Asymptotic completeness for the Klein-Gordon equation on the Schwarzschild metric
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35Lxx, 35Pxx, 81Uxx, 83Cxx.The theory of the waves equations has a long history since M. Riesz and J. Hadamard. It is impossible to cite all the important results in the area, but we mention the authors related with our work: J. Leray [34] and Y. Choquet-Bruhat [9] (Cauchy problem), P. Lax and R. Phillips [33] (scattering theory for a compactly supported perturbation), L. H¨ ormander [27] and J-M. Bony [7] (microlocal analysis). In all these domains, V. Petkov has...
We discuss a recent approach to quantum field theoretical path integration on noncommutative geometries which imply UV/IR regularising finite minimal uncertainties in positions and/or momenta. One class of such noncommutative geometries arise as `momentum spaces' over curved spaces, for which we can now give the full set of commutation relations in coordinate free form, based on the Synge world function.
The most elegant definition of singularities in general relativity as b-boundary points, when applied to the closed Friedman world model, leads to the disastrous situation: both the initial and final singularities form the single point of the b-boundary which is not Hausdorff separated from the rest of space-time. We apply Alain Connes' method of non-commutative geometry, defined in terms of a C*-algebra, to this case. It turns out that both the initial and final singularities can be analysed as...