Displaying 141 – 160 of 395

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Extending the UML for modelling variability for system families

Silva Robak, Bogdan Franczyk, Silva Robak (2002)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The process of modelling and developing commonality and variability for system families should be supported by suitable methods and notations. The object-oriented methods and their notations, which are used at present, focus on the development of a single system at a time. In this paper we analyse feature models as a representation of the common parts and variants contained in a system family, and propose using a feature diagram as a basic representation of commonality, variability and dependencies....

Extension principle and controller design for systems with distributed time-delay

Altuğ İftar (2017)


Extension principle is defined for systems with distributed time-delay and the necessary and sufficient conditions for one system being an extension of the other are presented. Preservation of stability properties between two systems, one of which is an extension of the other is also discussed and it is shown that when the expanded system is an extension of the original system, (i) the original system is bounded-input bounded-output stable if and only if the expanded system is bounded-input bounded-output...

Fault detection and isolation with robust principal component analysis

Yvon Tharrault, Gilles Mourot, José Ragot, Didier Maquin (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Principal component analysis (PCA) is a powerful fault detection and isolation method. However, the classical PCA, which is based on the estimation of the sample mean and covariance matrix of the data, is very sensitive to outliers in the training data set. Usually robust principal component analysis is applied to remove the effect of outliers on the PCA model. In this paper, a fast two-step algorithm is proposed. First, the objective was to find an accurate estimate of the covariance matrix of...

Fault diagnosis of a water for injection system using enhanced structural isolation

Morten Laursen, Mogens Blanke, Dilek Düştegör (2008)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A water for injection system supplies chilled sterile water as a solvent for pharmaceutical products. There are ultimate requirements for the quality of the sterile water, and the consequence of a fault in temperature or in flow control within the process may cause a loss of one or more batches of the production. Early diagnosis of faults is hence of considerable interest for this process. This study investigates the properties of multiple matchings with respect to isolability, and it suggests to...

Fault tolerance in networked control systems under intermittent observations

Jean-Philippe Georges, Didier Theilliol, Vincent Cocquempot, Jean-Christophe Ponsart, Christophe Aubrun (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents an approach to fault tolerant control based on the sensor masking principle in the case of wireless networked control systems. With wireless transmission, packet losses act as sensor faults. In the presence of such faults, the faulty measurements corrupt directly the behaviour of closed-loop systems. Since the controller aims at cancelling the error between the measurement and its reference input, the real outputs will, in such a networked control system, deviate from the desired...

Finite-time boundedness and stabilization of switched linear systems

Haibo Du, Xiangze Lin, Shihua Li (2010)


In this paper, finite-time boundedness and stabilization problems for a class of switched linear systems with time-varying exogenous disturbances are studied. Firstly, the concepts of finite-time stability and finite-time boundedness are extended to switched linear systems. Then, based on matrix inequalities, some sufficient conditions under which the switched linear systems are finite-time bounded and uniformly finite-time bounded are given. Moreover, to solve the finite-time stabilization problem,...

Finite-time consensus problem for multiple non-holonomic mobile agents

Jiankui Wang, Zhihui Qiu, Guoshan Zhang (2012)


In this paper, the problem of finite time consensus is discussed for multiple non-holonomic mobile agents. The objective is to design a distributed finite time control law such that the controlled multiple non-holonomic mobile agents can reach consensus within any given finite settling time. We propose a novel switching control strategy with the help of time-rescalling technique and graph theory. The numerical simulations are presented to show the effectiveness of the method.

Finite-time cooperative tracking control for a class of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems

Haibo Du, Yigang He, Yingying Cheng (2013)


The problem of finite-time cooperative tracking control for a class of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems is studied in this paper. The agent dynamic is described by a second-order nonlinear system with uncertain time-varying control coefficients and unknown nonlinear perturbations. Based on the finite-time control technique and graph theory, a class of distributed finite-time control laws are proposed which are only based on the neighbors' information. Under the proposed controller, it...

Finite-time synchronization of chaotic systems with noise perturbation

Jie Wu, Zhi-cai Ma, Yong-zheng Sun, Feng Liu (2015)


In this paper, we investigate the finite-time stochastic synchronization problem of two chaotic systems with noise perturbation. We propose new adaptive controllers, with which we can synchronize two chaotic systems in finite time. Sufficient conditions for the finite-time stochastic synchronization are derived based on the finite-time stability theory of stochastic differential equations. Finally, some numerical examples are examined to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the theoretical...

Finite-time tracking control of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots with external disturbances

Meiying Ou, Shengwei Gu, Xianbing Wang, Kexiu Dong (2015)


This paper investigates finite-time tracking control problem of multiple nonholonomic mobile robots in dynamic model with external disturbances, where a kind of finite-time disturbance observer (FTDO) is introduced to estimate the external disturbances for each mobile robot. First of all, the resulting tracking error dynamic is transformed into two subsystems, i. e., a third-order subsystem and a second-order subsystem for each mobile robot. Then, the two subsystem are discussed respectively, continuous...

Fixed-time tracking control for nonholonomic mobile robot

Ou Meiying, Sun Haibin, Zhang Zhenxing, Li Lingchun, Wang Xiang-ao (2021)


This paper investigates the fixed-time trajectory tracking control problem for a nonholonomic mobile robot. Firstly, the tracking error system is derived for the mobile robot by the aid of a global invertible transformation. Then, based on the unified error dynamics and by using the fixed-time control method, continuous fixed-time tracking controllers are developed for the mobile robot such that the robot can track the desired trajectory in a fixed time. Moreover, the settling time is independent...

Flocking control of multi-agent systems with application to nonholonomic multi-robots

Qin Li, Zhong-Ping Jiang (2009)


In this paper, we revisit the artificial potential based approach in the flocking control for multi-agent systems, where our main concerns are migration and trajectory tracking problems. The static destination or, more generally, the moving reference point is modeled by a virtual leader, whose information is utilized by some agents, called active agents (AA), for the controller design. We study a decentralized flocking controller for the case where the set of AAs is fixed. Some results on the velocity...

Flocking with informed agents

Felipe Cucker, Cristián Huepe (2008)

MathematicS In Action

Two similar Laplacian-based models for swarms with informed agents are proposed and analyzed analytically and numerically. In these models, each individual adjusts its velocity to match that of its neighbors and some individuals are given a preferred heading direction towards which they accelerate if there is no local velocity consensus. The convergence to a collective group swarming state with constant velocity is analytically proven for a range of parameters and initial conditions. Using numerical...

Flow control in connection-oriented networks: a time-varying sampling period system case study

Przemysław Ignaciuk, Andrzej Bartoszewicz (2008)


In this paper congestion control problem in connection-oriented communication network with multiple data sources is addressed. In the considered network the feedback necessary for the flow regulation is provided by means of management units, which are sent by each source once every M data packets. The management units, carrying the information about the current network state, return to their origin round trip time RTT after they were sent. Since the source rate is adjusted only at the instant of...

Forecasting return products in an integrated forward/reverse supply chain utilizing an ANFIS

D. Thresh Kumar, Hamed Soleimani, Govindan Kannan (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Interests in Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) issues are growing day by day within the academia, companies, and customers. Many papers discuss profitability or cost reduction impacts of remanufacturing, but a very important point is almost missing. Indeed, there is no guarantee about the amounts of return products even if we know a lot about demands of first products. This uncertainty is due to reasons such as companies' capabilities in collecting End-of-Life (EOL) products, customers' interests...

Fully distributed consensus for high-order strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems with switched topologies

Yifei Wu, Sunyu Zheng, Rui Xu, Ronghao Wang, Zhengrong Xiang (2023)


This paper studies the distributed consensus problem of high-order strict-feedback nonlinear multiagent systems. By employing the adaptive backstepping technique and switched system theory, a novel protocol is proposed for MASs with switched topologies. Global information such as the number of agents and communication topology is not used. In addition, the communication topology between agents can be switched between possible topologies at any time. Based on the Lyapunov function method, the proposed...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 395