Minimal degree solutions of polynomial equations
A new form of the coprime polynomial fraction of a transfer function matrix is presented where the polynomial matrices and have the form of a matrix (or generalized matrix) polynomials with the structure defined directly by the controllability characteristics of a state- space model and Markov matrices , , ...
In this paper we present a solution to the decoupling problem with stability of linear multivariable systems with 2 outputs, using nonregular static state feedback. The problem is tackled using an algebraic-polynomial approach, and the main idea is to test the conditions for a decoupling compensator with stability to be feedback realizable. It is shown that the problem has a solution if and only if Morse’s list is greater than or equal to the infinite and unstable structure of the proper and stable...
An upper bound for the complex structured singular value related to a linear time-invariant system over all frequencies is given. It is in the form of the spectral radius of the -norm matrix of SISO input-output channels of the system when uncertainty blocks are SISO. In the case of MIMO uncertainty blocks the upper bound is the -norm of a special non-negative matrix derived from -norms of SISO channels of the system. The upper bound is fit into the inequality relation between the results of...
The paper presents a novel description of the interplay between the windup phenomenon and directional change in controls for multivariable systems (including plants with an uneven number of inputs and outputs), usually omitted in the literature. The paper also proposes a new classification of anti-windup compensators with respect to the method of generating the constrained control signal.
In this paper linear difference equations with several independent variables are considered, whose solutions are functions defined on sets of -dimensional vectors with integer coordinates. These equations could be called partial difference equations. Existence and uniqueness theorems for these equations are formulated and proved, and interconnections of such results with the theory of linear multidimensional digital systems are investigated. Numerous examples show essential differences of the results...
This note proposes a quite general mathematical proposition which can be a starting point to prove many well-known results encountered while studying the theory of linear systems through matrix inequalities, including the S-procedure, the projection lemma and few others. Moreover, the problem of robustness with respect to several parameter uncertainties is revisited owing to this new theorem, leading to LMI (Linear Matrix Inequality)-based conditions for robust stability or performance analysis...