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Stochastic control optimal in the Kullback sense

Jan Šindelář, Igor Vajda, Miroslav Kárný (2008)


The paper solves the problem of minimization of the Kullback divergence between a partially known and a completely known probability distribution. It considers two probability distributions of a random vector ( u 1 , x 1 , ... , u T , x T ) on a sample space of 2 T dimensions. One of the distributions is known, the other is known only partially. Namely, only the conditional probability distributions of x τ given u 1 , x 1 , ... , u τ - 1 , x τ - 1 , u τ are known for τ = 1 , ... , T . Our objective is to determine the remaining conditional probability distributions of u τ given u 1 , x 1 , ... , u τ - 1 , x τ - 1 such...

Stochastic domination for iterated convolutions and catalytic majorization

Guillaume Aubrun, Ion Nechita (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study how iterated convolutions of probability measures compare under stochastic domination. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an integer n such that μ*n is stochastically dominated by ν*n for two given probability measures μ and ν. As a consequence we obtain a similar theorem on the majorization order for vectors in Rd. In particular we prove results about catalysis in quantum information theory.

Stochastic signal codification and sigma transform.

Luis Basañez Villaluenga, Nadal Batle Nicolau, Gabriel Ferraté Pascual, Josep Grané Manlleu, Enric Trillas (1983)


In the last years, a relation between bounded real functions of one variable and two-valued probabilistic functions defined on the complex plane has been established through the introduction of the Sigma-Transform concept.The paper presents an extension of the concept of Sigma-Transform, giving rise to the diagonal Sigma-Transform and the Striped Sigma-Transform which, when combined, allow a formal treatment of the Multichannel Stochastic Signal Codification. An application of the method to error...

Structure of unitary groups over finite group rings and its application

Jizhu Nan, Yufang Qin (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we determine all the normal forms of Hermitian matrices over finite group rings R = F q 2 G , where q = p α , G is a commutative p -group with order p β . Furthermore, using the normal forms of Hermitian matrices, we study the structure of unitary group over R through investigating its BN-pair and order. As an application, we construct a Cartesian authentication code and compute its size parameters.

Study of the Information Security of File Objects under Information Attacks with a Record of Effect of the Methods of Compression

Polimirova-Nickolova, Dimitrina (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

This report examines important issues pertaining to the different ways of affecting the information security of file objects under information attacks through methods of compression. Accordingly, the report analyzes the three-way relationships which may exist among a selected set of attacks, methods and objects. Thus, a methodology is proposed for evaluation of information security, and a coefficient of information security is created. With respects to this coefficient, using different criteria...

Su una generalizzazione della nozione di diramatività in teoria dell'informazione.

C. Bertoluzza, I. Bonzani (1983)


The notion of g-locality was introduced in order to generalize the branching one. This notion seems to represent the characteristic property of the entropies which can be utilized in the inquiring processes.In this paper we have characterized all the g-local entropies by determining the whole class of the locality laws.

Summarizing sensors data in vehicular ad hoc networks

Dorsaf Zekri, Bruno Defude, Thierry Delot (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This article focuses on data aggregation in vehicular ad hoc networks. In such networks, sensor data are usually produced and exchanged between vehicles in order to warn or inform the drivers when an event is detected (e.g., accident, emergency braking, parking space released, vehicle with non-functioning brake lights, etc.). In the following, we present a solution to aggregate and store these data in order to have a history of past events. We therefore use Flajolet-Martin sketches. Our goal is...

Summarizing sensors data in vehicular ad hoc networks

Dorsaf Zekri, Bruno Defude, Thierry Delot (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This article focuses on data aggregation in vehicular ad hoc networks. In such networks, sensor data are usually produced and exchanged between vehicles in order to warn or inform the drivers when an event is detected (e.g., accident, emergency braking, parking space released, vehicle with non-functioning brake lights, etc.). In the following, we present a solution to aggregate and store these data in order to have a history of past events. We therefore use Flajolet-Martin sketches. Our goal is...

Sur les mesures du degré de flou.

Enric Trillas, Claudi Alsina (1979)


On caractérise toutes les entropies-floues qui sont des valuations des treillis P(X) des parties floues d'un ensemble fini X, on presente la construction de certaines entropies floues et on analyse leur caractère de valuation de treillis aiguisés Sh(g), g belonging to P(X).

SURE shrinkage of gaussian paths and signal identification

Nicolas Privault, Anthony Réveillac (2011)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using integration by parts on Gaussian space we construct a Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (SURE) for the drift of Gaussian processes, based on their local and occupation times. By almost-sure minimization of the SURE risk of shrinkage estimators we derive an estimation and de-noising procedure for an input signal perturbed by a continuous-time Gaussian noise.

SURE shrinkage of Gaussian paths and signal identification*

Nicolas Privault, Anthony Réveillac (2012)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Using integration by parts on Gaussian space we construct a Stein Unbiased Risk Estimator (SURE) for the drift of Gaussian processes, based on their local and occupation times. By almost-sure minimization of the SURE risk of shrinkage estimators we derive an estimation and de-noising procedure for an input signal perturbed by a continuous-time Gaussian noise.

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