Über das Lokalisierungsprinzip bei mehrdimensionalen Shannonschen und konjugierten Shannonschen Abtastreihen
En este trabajo se presenta un contraste de normalidad basado en la Energía Informacional de forma paralela al obtenido por Vasicek (1976) basándose en la Entropía de Shannon. Se estima la potencia de este contraste para diversas alternativas comparándola con la de otros contrastes de normalidad. Estos resultados permiten afirmar que este contraste es preferido en algunos casos a algunos contrastes clásicos.
El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una medida de incertidumbre asociada a un conjunto difuso, de un referencial finito, que generalice la entropía de Shannon; es decir, que además de considerar la distribución de probabilidades definida en el referencial considere también la función de pertenencia del conjunto difuso.Posteriormente se estudian algunas propiedades de la medida propuesta.
On présente une formule explicite pour la constante de Sobolev logarithmique correspondant à des diffusions réelles ou à des processus entiers de vie et de mort, sous l’hypothèse que certaines quantités, naturellement associées à des inégalités de Hardy dans ce contexte, approchent leur supremum au bord de leur domaine de définition. La preuve se ramène au cas de la constante de Poincaré, à l’aide de comparaisons exactes entre entropie et variances appropriées.
This paper concerns with the finite volume scheme for nonlinear tensor diffusion in image processing. First we provide some basic information on this type of diffusion including a construction of its diffusion tensor. Then we derive a semi-implicit scheme with the help of so-called diamond-cell method (see [Coirier1] and [Coirier2]). Further, we prove existence and uniqueness of a discrete solution given by our scheme. The proof is based on a gradient bound in the tangential direction by a gradient...
The paper examines similarities between observer design as introduced in Automatic Control Theory and filter design as established in Signal Processing. It is shown in the paper that there are obvious connections between them in spite of different aims for their design. Therefore, it is prospective to make them be compatible from the structural point of view. Introduced error invariance and error convergence properties of both of them are unifying tools for their design. Lyapunov's stability theory,...
We lift important results about universally typical sets, typically sampled sets, and empirical entropy estimation in the theory of samplings of discrete ergodic information sources from the usual one-dimensional discrete-time setting to a multidimensional lattice setting. We use techniques of packings and coverings with multidimensional windows to construct sequences of multidimensional array sets which in the limit build the generated samples of any ergodic source of entropy rate below an with...