Displaying 41 – 60 of 109

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On Longest Cycles in Essentially 4-Connected Planar Graphs

Igor Fabrici, Jochen Harant, Stanislav Jendroľ (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A planar 3-connected graph G is essentially 4-connected if, for any 3-separator S of G, one component of the graph obtained from G by removing S is a single vertex. Jackson and Wormald proved that an essentially 4-connected planar graph on n vertices contains a cycle C such that [...] . For a cubic essentially 4-connected planar graph G, Grünbaum with Malkevitch, and Zhang showed that G has a cycle on at least ¾ n vertices. In the present paper the result of Jackson and Wormald is improved. Moreover,...

On monochromatic paths and bicolored subdigraphs in arc-colored tournaments

Pietra Delgado-Escalante, Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Consider an arc-colored digraph. A set of vertices N is a kernel by monochromatic paths if all pairs of distinct vertices of N have no monochromatic directed path between them and if for every vertex v not in N there exists n ∈ N such that there is a monochromatic directed path from v to n. In this paper we prove different sufficient conditions which imply that an arc-colored tournament has a kernel by monochromatic paths. Our conditions concerns to some subdigraphs of T and its quasimonochromatic...

On normal partitions in cubic graphs

Jean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Marie Vanherpe (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A normal partition of the edges of a cubic graph is a partition into trails (no repeated edge) such that each vertex is the end vertex of exactly one trail of the partition. We investigate this notion and give some results and problems.

On odd and semi-odd linear partitions of cubic graphs

Jean-Luc Fouquet, Henri Thuillier, Jean-Marie Vanherpe, Adam P. Wojda (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A linear forest is a graph whose connected components are chordless paths. A linear partition of a graph G is a partition of its edge set into linear forests and la(G) is the minimum number of linear forests in a linear partition. In this paper we consider linear partitions of cubic simple graphs for which it is well known that la(G) = 2. A linear partition L = ( L B , L R ) is said to be odd whenever each path of L B L R has odd length and semi-odd whenever each path of L B (or each path of L R ) has odd length. In [2] Aldred...

On Path-Pairability in the Cartesian Product of Graphs

Gábor Mészáros (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We study the inheritance of path-pairability in the Cartesian product of graphs and prove additive and multiplicative inheritance patterns of path-pairability, depending on the number of vertices in the Cartesian product. We present path-pairable graph families that improve the known upper bound on the minimal maximum degree of a path-pairable graph. Further results and open questions about path-pairability are also presented.

On short cycles in triangle-free oriented graphs

Yurong Ji, Shufei Wu, Hui Song (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An orientation of a simple graph is referred to as an oriented graph. Caccetta and Häggkvist conjectured that any digraph on n vertices with minimum outdegree d contains a directed cycle of length at most n / d . In this paper, we consider short cycles in oriented graphs without directed triangles. Suppose that α 0 is the smallest real such that every n -vertex digraph with minimum outdegree at least α 0 n contains a directed triangle. Let ϵ < ( 3 - 2 α 0 ) / ( 4 - 2 α 0 ) be a positive real. We show that if D is an oriented graph without...

On signpost systems and connected graphs

Ladislav Nebeský (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

By a signpost system we mean an ordered pair ( W , P ) , where W is a finite nonempty set, P W × W × W and the following statements hold: if ( u , v , w ) P , then ( v , u , u ) P and ( v , u , w ) P , for all u , v , w W ; if u v , i then there exists r W such that ( u , r , v ) P , for all u , v W . We say that a signpost system ( W , P ) is smooth if the folowing statement holds for all u , v , x , y , z W : if ( u , v , x ) , ( u , v , z ) , ( x , y , z ) P , then ( u , v , y ) P . We say thay a signpost system ( W , P ) is simple if the following statement holds for all u , v , x , y W : if ( u , v , x ) , ( x , y , v ) P , then ( u , v , y ) , ( x , y , u ) P . By the underlying graph of a signpost system ( W , P ) we mean the graph G with V ( G ) = W and such that the following statement holds for all distinct u , v W : u and v are adjacent in G if and only if ( u , v , v ) P ....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 109