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Some recent results on domination in graphs

Michael D. Plummer (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper, we survey some new results in four areas of domination in graphs, namely: (1) the toughness and matching structure of graphs having domination number 3 and which are "critical" in the sense that if one adds any missing edge, the domination number falls to 2; (2) the matching structure of graphs having domination number 3 and which are "critical" in the sense that if one deletes any vertex, the domination number falls to 2; (3) upper bounds...

Some remarks on α-domination

Franz Dahme, Dieter Rautenbach, Lutz Volkmann (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let α ∈ (0,1) and let G = ( V G , E G ) be a graph. According to Dunbar, Hoffman, Laskar and Markus [3] a set D V G is called an α-dominating set of G, if | N G ( u ) D | α d G ( u ) for all u V G D . We prove a series of upper bounds on the α-domination number of a graph G defined as the minimum cardinality of an α-dominating set of G.

Some results on the co-intersection graph of submodules of a module

Lotf Ali Mahdavi, Yahya Talebi (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let R be a ring with identity and M be a unitary left R -module. The co-intersection graph of proper submodules of M , denoted by Ω ( M ) , is an undirected simple graph whose vertex set V ( Ω ) is a set of all nontrivial submodules of M and two distinct vertices N and K are adjacent if and only if N + K M . We study the connectivity, the core and the clique number of Ω ( M ) . Also, we provide some conditions on the module M , under which the clique number of Ω ( M ) is infinite and Ω ( M ) is a planar graph. Moreover, we give several...

Some results on total domination in direct products of graphs

Paul Dorbec, Sylvain Gravier, Sandi Klavžar, Simon Spacapan (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Upper and lower bounds on the total domination number of the direct product of graphs are given. The bounds involve the {2}-total domination number, the total 2-tuple domination number, and the open packing number of the factors. Using these relationships one exact total domination number is obtained. An infinite family of graphs is constructed showing that the bounds are best possible. The domination number of direct products of graphs is also bounded from below.

Some Sharp Bounds on the Negative Decision Number of Graphs

Hongyu Liang (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G = (V,E) be a graph. A function f : V → {-1,1} is called a bad function of G if ∑u∈NG(v) f(u) ≤ 1 for all v ∈ V where NG(v) denotes the set of neighbors of v in G. The negative decision number of G, introduced in [12], is the maximum value of ∑v∈V f(v) taken over all bad functions of G. In this paper, we present sharp upper bounds on the negative decision number of a graph in terms of its order, minimum degree, and maximum degree. We also establish a sharp Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequality for...

Some Toughness Results in Independent Domination Critical Graphs

Nawarat Ananchuen, Watcharaphong Ananchuen (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A subset S of V (G) is an independent dominating set of G if S is independent and each vertex of G is either in S or adjacent to some vertex of S. Let i(G) denote the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set of G. A graph G is k-i-critical if i(G) = k, but i(G+uv) < k for any pair of non-adjacent vertices u and v of G. In this paper, we establish that if G is a connected 3-i-critical graph and S is a vertex cutset of G with |S| ≥ 3, then [...] improving a result proved by Ao [3],...

Some Variations of Perfect Graphs

Magda Dettlaff, Magdalena Lemańska, Gabriel Semanišin, Rita Zuazua (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We consider (ψk−γk−1)-perfect graphs, i.e., graphs G for which ψk(H) = γk−1(H) for any induced subgraph H of G, where ψk and γk−1 are the k-path vertex cover number and the distance (k − 1)-domination number, respectively. We study (ψk−γk−1)-perfect paths, cycles and complete graphs for k ≥ 2. Moreover, we provide a complete characterisation of (ψ2 − γ1)- perfect graphs describing the set of its forbidden induced subgraphs and providing the explicit characterisation of the structure of graphs belonging...

Spanning trees of bounded degree.

Czygrinow, Andrzej, Fan, Genghua, Hurlbert, Glenn, Kierstead, H.A., Trotter, William T. (2001)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Spanning trees whose reducible stems have a few branch vertices

Pham Hoang Ha, Dang Dinh Hanh, Nguyen Thanh Loan, Ngoc Diep Pham (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let T be a tree. Then a vertex of T with degree one is a leaf of T and a vertex of degree at least three is a branch vertex of T . The set of leaves of T is denoted by L ( T ) and the set of branch vertices of T is denoted by B ( T ) . For two distinct vertices u , v of T , let P T [ u , v ] denote the unique path in T connecting u and v . Let T be a tree with B ( T ) . For each leaf x of T , let y x denote the nearest branch vertex to x . We delete V ( P T [ x , y x ] ) { y x } from T for all x L ( T ) . The resulting subtree of T is called the reducible stem of T and denoted...

Spectral study of alliances in graphs

Juan Alberto Rodríguez-Velazquez, Jose Maria Sigarreta Almira (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we obtain several tight bounds on different types of alliance numbers of a graph, namely (global) defensive alliance number, global offensive alliance number and global dual alliance number. In particular, we investigate the relationship between the alliance numbers of a graph and its algebraic connectivity, its spectral radius, and its Laplacian spectral radius.

Stable sets for ( P , K 2 , 3 ) -free graphs

Raffaele Mosca (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Maximum Stable Set (MS) problem is a well known NP-hard problem. However different graph classes for which MS can be efficiently solved have been detected and the augmenting graph technique seems to be a fruitful tool to this aim. In this paper we apply a recent characterization of minimal augmenting graphs [22] to prove that MS can be solved for ( P , K 2 , 3 ) -free graphs in polynomial time, extending some known results.

Strong Equality Between the Roman Domination and Independent Roman Domination Numbers in Trees

Mustapha Chellali, Nader Jafari Rad (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A Roman dominating function (RDF) on a graph G = (V,E) is a function f : V −→ {0, 1, 2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v) = 2. The weight of an RDF is the value f(V (G)) = P u2V (G) f(u). An RDF f in a graph G is independent if no two vertices assigned positive values are adjacent. The Roman domination number R(G) (respectively, the independent Roman domination number iR(G)) is the minimum weight of an RDF (respectively,...

Structure of the set of all minimal total dominating functions of some classes of graphs

K. Reji Kumar, Gary MacGillivray (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper we study some of the structural properties of the set of all minimal total dominating functions ( T ) of cycles and paths and introduce the idea of function reducible graphs and function separable graphs. It is proved that a function reducible graph is a function separable graph. We shall also see how the idea of function reducibility is used to study the structure of T ( G ) for some classes of graphs.

Sums of Powered Characteristic Roots Count Distance-Independent Circular Sets

Zdzisław Skupień (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Significant values of a combinatorial count need not fit the recurrence for the count. Consequently, initial values of the count can much outnumber those for the recurrence. So is the case of the count, Gl(n), of distance-l independent sets on the cycle Cn, studied by Comtet for l ≥ 0 and n ≥ 1 [sic]. We prove that values of Gl(n) are nth power sums of the characteristic roots of the corresponding recurrence unless 2 ≤ n ≤ l. Lucas numbers L(n) are thus generalized since L(n) is the count in question...

The B-Domatic Number of a Graph

Odile Favaron (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Besides the classical chromatic and achromatic numbers of a graph related to minimum or minimal vertex partitions into independent sets, the b-chromatic number was introduced in 1998 thanks to an alternative definition of the minimality of such partitions. When independent sets are replaced by dominating sets, the parameters corresponding to the chromatic and achromatic numbers are the domatic and adomatic numbers d(G) and ad(G). We introduce the b-domatic number bd(G) as the counterpart of the...

The bondage number of graphs: good and bad vertices

Vladimir Samodivkin (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The domination number γ(G) of a graph G is the minimum number of vertices in a set D such that every vertex of the graph is either in D or is adjacent to a member of D. Any dominating set D of a graph G with |D| = γ(G) is called a γ-set of G. A vertex x of a graph G is called: (i) γ-good if x belongs to some γ-set and (ii) γ-bad if x belongs to no γ-set. The bondage number b(G) of a nonempty graph G is the cardinality of a smallest set of edges whose removal from G results in a graph with domination...

The Connectivity Of Domination Dot-Critical Graphs With No Critical Vertices

Michitaka Furuya (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge of a graph is called dot-critical if its contraction decreases the domination number. A graph is said to be dot-critical if all of its edges are dot-critical. A vertex of a graph is called critical if its deletion decreases the domination number. In A note on the domination dot-critical graphs, Discrete Appl. Math. 157 (2009) 3743-3745, Chen and Shiu constructed for each even integer k ≥ 4 infinitely many k-dot-critical graphs G with no critical vertices and k(G) = 1. In this paper, we refine...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 373