Weak forms of Mann's density theorem extended to sets of lattice points
Generalized van der Corput sequences are onedimensional, infinite sequences in the unit interval. They are generated from permutations in integer base and are the building blocks of the multi-dimensional Halton sequences. Motivated by recent progress of Atanassov on the uniform distribution behavior of Halton sequences, we study, among others, permutations of the form for coprime integers and . We show that multipliers that either divide or generate van der Corput sequences with weak...
Let be a quadratic imaginary number field of discriminant . For let denote the order of conductor in and its modular invariant which is known to generate the ring class field modulo over . The coefficients of the minimal equation of being quite large Weber considered in [We] the functions defined below and thereby obtained simpler generators of the ring class fields. Later on the singular values of these functions played a crucial role in Heegner’s solution [He] of the class...
Let denote the class number of -th layer of the cyclotomic -extension of . Weber proved that is odd and Horie proved that is not divisible by a prime number satisfying . In a previous paper, the authors showed that is not divisible by a prime number less than . In this paper, by investigating properties of a special unit more precisely, we show that is not divisible by a prime number less than . Our argument also leads to the conclusion that is not divisible by a prime number...
Let be an imaginary quadratic field and its ring of integers. Let be a non-zero ideal and let be a rational inert prime in and coprime with . Let be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of . We establish that a system of Hecke eigenvalues appearing in the cohomology with coefficients in already lives in the cohomology with coefficients in for some ; except possibly in some few cases.
Let be a quadratic field over the rational field and be the number of nonzero integral ideals with norm . We establish Erdős-Kac type theorems weighted by and of quadratic field in short intervals with . We also get asymptotic formulae for the average behavior of and in short intervals.
First, some classic properties of a weighted Frobenius-Perron operator on as a predual of weighted Koopman operator on will be investigated using the language of the conditional expectation operator. Also, we determine the spectrum of under certain conditions.