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Horizontal sections of connections on curves and transcendence

C. Gasbarri (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K be a number field, X be a smooth projective curve over it and D be a reduced divisor on X. Let (E,∇) be a vector bundle with connection having meromorphic singularities on D. Let p 1 , . . . , p s X ( K ) and X o : = X ̅ D , p 1 , . . . , p s (the p j ’s may be in the support of D). Using tools from Nevanlinna theory and formal geometry, we give the definition of E-section of arithmetic type of the vector bundle E with respect to the points p j ; this is the natural generalization of the notion of E-function defined in Siegel-Shidlovskiĭ theory. We prove...

Linear independence of linear forms in polylogarithms

Raffaele Marcovecchio (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

For x , | x | < 1 , s , let Li s ( x ) be the s -th polylogarithm of x . We prove that for any non-zero algebraic number α such that | α | < 1 , the ( α ) -vector space spanned by 1 , Li 1 ( α ) , Li 2 ( α ) , has infinite dimension. This result extends a previous one by Rivoal for rational α . The main tool is a method introduced by Fischler and Rivoal, which shows the coefficients of the polylogarithms in the relevant series to be the unique solution of a suitable Padé approximation problem.

On p -adic Euler constants

Abhishek Bharadwaj (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The goal of this article is to associate a p -adic analytic function to the Euler constants γ p ( a , F ) , study the properties of these functions in the neighborhood of s = 1 and introduce a p -adic analogue of the infinite sum n 1 f ( n ) / n for an algebraic valued, periodic function f . After this, we prove the theorem of Baker, Birch and Wirsing in this setup and discuss irrationality results associated to p -adic Euler constants generalising the earlier known results in this direction. Finally, we define and prove certain...

On the arithmetic properties of complex values of Hecke-Mahler series. I. The rank one case

Federico Pellarin (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Here we characterise, in a complete and explicit way, the relations of algebraic dependence over of complex values of Hecke-Mahler series taken at algebraic points u ̲ 1 , ... , u ̲ m of the multiplicative group 𝔾 m 2 ( ) , under a technical hypothesis that a certain sub-module of 𝔾 m 2 ( ) generated by the u ̲ i ’s has rank one (rank one hypothesis). This is the first part of a work, announced in [Pel1], whose main objective is completely to solve a general problem on the algebraic independence of values of these series.

Récurrences 2 - et 3 -mahlériennes

Bernard Randé (1993)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

On sait (Cobham) qu’une suite 2 - et 3 -automatique est une suite rationnelle. Une question de Loxton et van der Poorten étend ce résultat au cas 2 - et 3 -régulier. On montre dans cet article que, si une suite vérifie une récurrence 2 - et 3 -mahlérienne d’ordre un, elle est rationnelle.

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