Displaying 181 – 200 of 295

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Propagation de la 2-birationalité

Claire Bourbon, Jean-François Jaulent (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let L/K be a 2-birational CM-extension of a totally real 2-rational number field. We characterize in terms of tame ramification totally real 2-extensions K’/K such that the compositum L’=LK’ is still 2-birational. In case the 2-extension K’/K is linearly disjoint from the cyclotomic ℤ₂-extension K c / K , we prove that K’/K is at most quadratic. Furthermore, we construct infinite towers of such 2-extensions.

Ramification groups and Artin conductors of radical extensions of

Filippo Viviani (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We study the ramification properties of the extensions ( ζ m , a m ) / under the hypothesis that m is odd and if p m than either p v p ( a ) or p v p ( m ) v p ( a ) ( v p ( a ) and v p ( m ) are the exponents with which p divides a and m ). In particular we determine the higher ramification groups of the completed extensions and the Artin conductors of the characters of their Galois group. As an application, we give formulas for the p -adique valuation of the discriminant of the studied global extensions with m = p r .

Ramifications minimales

Georges Gras (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Nous appliquons à la notion d’extension (cyclique de degré p ) à ramification minimale, les techniques de “ réflexion ” qui permettent une caractérisation très simple de ces extensions à l’aide d’un corps gouvernant.

Real quadratic number fields with metacyclic Hilbert 2 -class field tower

Said Essahel, Ahmed Dakkak, Ali Mouhib (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We begin by giving a criterion for a number field K with 2-class group of rank 2 to have a metacyclic Hilbert 2-class field tower, and then we will determine all real quadratic number fields ( d ) that have a metacyclic nonabelian Hilbert 2 -class field tower.

Representation fields for commutative orders

Luis Arenas-Carmona (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A representation field for a non-maximal order in a central simple algebra is a subfield of the spinor class field of maximal orders which determines the set of spinor genera of maximal orders containing a copy of . Not every non-maximal order has a representation field. In this work we prove that every commutative order has a representation field and give a formula for it. The main result is proved for central simple algebras over arbitrary global fields.

S -classes infinitésimales d’un corps de nombres algébriques

Jean-François Jaulent (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous introduisons les notions de nombres et d’idéaux infinitésimaux attachés à un corps de nombres algébriques K relativement à un nombre premier donné , et nous interprétons le groupe de Galois 𝒜 ( K ) de la -extension abélienne -ramifiée maximale de K comme quotient du tensorisé Z Z J ( K ) du groupe des idéaux étrangers à par le sous-module engendré par les idéaux principaux-infinitésimaux. Nous en déduisons diverses conséquences sur l’arithmétique des groupes 𝒜 ( K ) , en montrant en particulier qu’ils donnent...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 295