Displaying 141 – 160 of 216

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An analogue of Pfister's local-global principle in the burnside ring

Martin Epkenhans (1999)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let N / K be a Galois extension with Galois group 𝒢 . We study the set 𝒯 ( 𝒢 ) of -linear combinations of characters in the Burnside ring ( 𝒢 ) which give rise to -linear combinations of trace forms of subextensions of N / K which are trivial in the Witt ring W ( K ) of K . In particular, we prove that the torsion subgroup of ( 𝒢 ) / 𝒯 ( 𝒢 ) coincides with the kernel of the total signature homomorphism.

An equicharacteristic analogue of Hesselholt's conjecture on cohomology of Witt vectors

Amit Hogadi, Supriya Pisolkar (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let L/K be a finite Galois extension of complete discrete valued fields of characteristic p. Assume that the induced residue field extension k L / k K is separable. For an integer n ≥ 0, let W n ( L ) denote the ring of Witt vectors of length n with coefficients in L . We show that the proabelian group H 1 ( G , W n ( L ) ) n is zero. This is an equicharacteristic analogue of Hesselholt’s conjecture, which was proved before when the discrete valued fields are of mixed characteristic.

An equivalence between varieties of cyclic Post algebras and varieties generated by a finite field

Abad Manuel, Díaz Varela J., López Martinolich B., C. Vannicola M., Zander M. (2006)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we give a term equivalence between the simple k-cyclic Post algebra of order p, L p,k, and the finite field F(p k) with constants F(p). By using Lagrange polynomials, we give an explicit procedure to obtain an interpretation Φ1 of the variety V(L p,k) generated by L p,k into the variety V(F(p k)) generated by F(p k) and an interpretation Φ2 of V(F(p k)) into V(L p,k) such that Φ2Φ1(B) = B for every B ε V(L p,k) and Φ1Φ2(R) = R for every R ε V(F(p k)).

An example of local analytic q-difference equation : Analytic classification

Frédéric Menous (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Using the techniques developed by Jean Ecalle for the study of nonlinear differential equations, we prove that the q -difference equation x σ q y = y + b ( y , x ) with ( σ q f ) ( x ) = f ( q x ) ( q > 1 ) and b ( 0 , 0 ) = y b ( 0 , 0 ) = 0 is analytically conjugated to one of the following equations : x σ q y = y ou x σ q y = y + x

An explicit integral polynomial whose splitting field has Galois group W ( E 8 )

Florent Jouve, Emmanuel Kowalski, David Zywina (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Using the principle that characteristic polynomials of matrices obtained from elements of a reductive group G over Q typically have splitting field with Galois group isomorphic to the Weyl group of G , we construct an explicit monic integral polynomial of degree 240 whose splitting field has Galois group the Weyl group of the exceptional group of type E 8 .

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 216