Displaying 2781 – 2800 of 3959

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Strong separativity over exchange rings

Huanyin Chen (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An exchange ring R is strongly separative provided that for all finitely generated projective right R -modules A and B , A A A B A B . We prove that an exchange ring R is strongly separative if and only if for any corner S of R , a S + b S = S implies that there exist u , v S such that a u = b v and S u + S v = S if and only if for any corner S of R , a S + b S = S implies that there exists a right invertible matrix a b * M 2 ( S ) . The dual assertions are also proved.

Strongly 2-nil-clean rings with involutions

Huanyin Chen, Marjan Sheibani Abdolyousefi (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A * -ring R is strongly 2-nil- * -clean if every element in R is the sum of two projections and a nilpotent that commute. Fundamental properties of such * -rings are obtained. We prove that a * -ring R is strongly 2-nil- * -clean if and only if for all a R , a 2 R is strongly nil- * -clean, if and only if for any a R there exists a * -tripotent e R such that a - e R is nilpotent and e a = a e , if and only if R is a strongly * -clean SN ring, if and only if R is abelian, J ( R ) is nil and R / J ( R ) is * -tripotent. Furthermore, we explore the structure...

(Strongly) Gorenstein injective modules over upper triangular matrix Artin algebras

Chao Wang, Xiao Yan Yang (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let Λ = A M 0 B be an Artin algebra. In view of the characterization of finitely generated Gorenstein injective Λ -modules under the condition that M is a cocompatible ( A , B ) -bimodule, we establish a recollement of the stable category Ginj ( Λ ) ¯ . We also determine all strongly complete injective resolutions and all strongly Gorenstein injective modules over Λ .

Strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules

Husheng Qiao, Zongyang Xie (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒲 be a self-orthogonal class of left R -modules. We introduce a class of modules, which is called strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules, and give some equivalent characterizations of them. Many important classes of modules are included in these modules. It is proved that the class of strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein modules is closed under finite direct sums. We also give some sufficient conditions under which the property of strongly 𝒲 -Gorenstein module can be inherited by its submodules and quotient modules....

Strongly graded left FTF rings.

José Gómez, Blas Torrecillas (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

An associated ring R with identity is said to be a left FTF ring when the class of the submodules of flat left R-modules is closed under injective hulls and direct products. We prove (Theorem 3.5) that a strongly graded ring R by a locally finite group G is FTF if and only if Re is left FTF, where e is a neutral element of G. This provides new examples of left FTF rings. Some consequences of this Theorem are given.

Strongly groupoid graded rings and cohomology

Patrik Lundström (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We interpret the collection of invertible bimodules as a groupoid and call it the Picard groupoid. We use this groupoid to generalize the classical construction of crossed products to what we call groupoid crossed products, and show that these coincide with the class of strongly groupoid graded rings. We then use groupoid crossed products to obtain a generalization from the group graded situation to the groupoid graded case of the bijection from a second cohomology group, defined by the grading...

Strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent rings, ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary rings and ( 𝒯 , n ) -regular rings

Zhanmin Zhu (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝒯 be a weak torsion class of left R -modules and n a positive integer. A left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective if Ext R n ( C , M ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a right R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -flat if Tor n R ( M , C ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented left R -module C ; a left R -module M is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective if Ext R n ( M , N ) = 0 for each ( 𝒯 , n ) -injective left R -module N ; the ring R is called strongly ( 𝒯 , n ) -coherent if whenever 0 K P C 0 is exact, where C is ( 𝒯 , n + 1 ) -presented and P is finitely generated projective, then K is ( 𝒯 , n ) -projective; the ring R is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -semihereditary...

Strongly rectifiable and S-homogeneous modules

Libuše Tesková (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In this paper we introduce the class of strongly rectifiable and S-homogeneous modules. We study basic properties of these modules, of their pure and refined submodules, of Hill's modules and we also prove an extension of the second Prüfer's theorem.

Strongly simply connected coil algebras

Flávio U. Coelho, Ma. I. R. Martins, Bertha Tomé (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the simple connectedness and strong simple connectedness of the following classes of algebras: (tame) coil enlargements of tame concealed algebras and n-iterated coil enlargement algebras.

Structure of central torsion Iwasawa modules

Susan Howson (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We describe an approach to determining, up to pseudoisomorphism, the structure of a central-torsion module over the Iwasawa algebra of a pro- p , p -adic, Lie group containing no element of order p . The techniques employed follow classical methods used in the commutative case, but using Ore’s method of localisation. We then consider the properties of certain invariants which may prove useful in determining the structure of a module. Finally, we describe the case of pro- p subgroups of GL 2 ( p ) in detail and...

Currently displaying 2781 – 2800 of 3959