Displaying 21 – 40 of 135

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On a semilinear elliptic eigenvalue problem

Mario Michele Coclite (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We obtain a description of the spectrum and estimates for generalized positive solutions of -Δu = λ(f(x) + h(u)) in Ω, u | Ω = 0 , where f(x) and h(u) satisfy minimal regularity assumptions.

On admissibility for parabolic equations in ℝⁿ

Martino Prizzi (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the parabolic equation (P) u t - Δ u = F ( x , u ) , (t,x) ∈ ℝ₊ × ℝⁿ, and the corresponding semiflow π in the phase space H¹. We give conditions on the nonlinearity F(x,u), ensuring that all bounded sets of H¹ are π-admissible in the sense of Rybakowski. If F(x,u) is asymptotically linear, under appropriate non-resonance conditions, we use Conley’s index theory to prove the existence of nontrivial equilibria of (P) and of heteroclinic trajectories joining some of these equilibria. The results obtained extend...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 135