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Linear inessential operators and generalized inverses

Bruce A. Barnes (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The space of inessential bounded linear operators from one Banach space X into another Y is introduced. This space, I ( X , Y ) , is a subspace of B ( X , Y ) which generalizes Kleinecke’s ideal of inessential operators. For certain subspaces W of I ( X , Y ) , it is shown that when T B ( X , Y ) has a generalized inverse modulo W , then there exists a projection P B ( X ) such that T ( I - P ) has a generalized inverse and T P W .

Local polynomials are polynomials

C. Fong, G. Lumer, E. Nordgren, H. Radjavi, P. Rosenthal (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a function f is a polynomial if G◦f is a polynomial for every bounded linear functional G. We also show that an operator-valued function is a polynomial if it is locally a polynomial.

Metrics in the set of partial isometries with finite rank

Esteban Andruchow, Gustavo Corach (2005)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Let I be the set of partial isometries with finite rank of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space H . We show that I is a smooth submanifold of the Hilbert space B 2 H of Hilbert-Schmidt operators of H and that each connected component is the set I N , which consists of all partial isometries of rank N < . Furthermore, I is a homogeneous space of U × U , where U is the classical Banach-Lie group of unitary operators of H , which are Hilbert-Schmidt perturbations of the identity. We introduce two Riemannian metrics...

Mixed-type reverse order law and its equivalents

Nebojša Č. Dinčić, Dragan S. Djordjević, Dijana Mosić (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We present new results related to various equivalents of the mixed-type reverse order law for the Moore-Penrose inverse for operators on Hilbert spaces. Recent finite-dimensional results of Tian are extended to Hilbert space operators.

Moore-Penrose inverses of Gram operators on Hilbert C*-modules

M. S. Moslehian, K. Sharif, M. Forough, M. Chakoshi (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let t be a regular operator between Hilbert C*-modules and t be its Moore-Penrose inverse. We investigate the Moore-Penrose invertibility of the Gram operator t*t. More precisely, we study some conditions ensuring that t = ( t * t ) t * = t * ( t t * ) and ( t * t ) = t t * . As an application, we get some results for densely defined closed operators on Hilbert C*-modules over C*-algebras of compact operators.

Nonlinear separable equations in linear spaces and commutative Leibniz algebras

D. Przeworska-Rolewicz (2010)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider nonlinear equations in linear spaces and algebras which can be solved by a "separation of variables" obtained due to Algebraic Analysis. It is shown that the structures of linear spaces and commutative algebras (even if they are Leibniz algebras) are not rich enough for our purposes. Therefore, in order to generalize the method used for separable ordinary differential equations, we have to assume that in algebras under consideration there exist logarithmic mappings. Section 1 contains...

Notes on q-deformed operators

Schôichi Ôta, Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec (2004)

Studia Mathematica

The paper concerns operators of deformed structure like q-normal and q-hyponormal operators with the deformation parameter q being a positive number different from 1. In particular, an example of a q-hyponormal operator with empty spectrum is given, and q-hyponormality is characterized in terms of some operator inequalities.

Null spaces and ranges of polynomials of operators.

Manuel González (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We give an elementary proof of the fact that given two polynomials P, Q without common zeros and a linear operator A, the operators P(A) and Q(A) verify some properties equivalent to the pair (P(A),Q(A)) being non-singular in the sense of J.L. Taylor. From these properties we derive expressions for the range and null space of P(A) and spectral mapping theorems for polynomials fo continuous (or closed) operators in Banach spaces.

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