Displaying 81 – 100 of 331

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Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel operators with anti-holomorphic symbols on complete pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains

Mehmet Çelik, Yunus E. Zeytuncu (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On complete pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains in 2 , we show that there is no nonzero Hankel operator with anti-holomorphic symbol that is Hilbert-Schmidt. In the proof, we explicitly use the pseudoconvexity property of the domain. We also present two examples of unbounded non-pseudoconvex domains in 2 that admit nonzero Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel operators with anti-holomorphic symbols. In the first example the Bergman space is finite dimensional. However, in the second example the Bergman space is infinite...

Index and dynamics of quantized contact transformations

Steven Zelditch (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Quantized contact transformations are Toeplitz operators over a contact manifold ( X , α ) of the form U χ = Π A χ Π , where Π : H 2 ( X ) L 2 ( X ) is a Szegö projector, where χ is a contact transformation and where A is a pseudodifferential operator over X . They provide a flexible alternative to the Kähler quantization of symplectic maps, and encompass many of the examples in the physics literature, e.g. quantized cat maps and kicked rotors. The index problem is to determine ind ( U χ ) when the principal symbol is unitary, or equivalently to determine...

Inverse du Laplacien discret dans le problème de Poisson-Dirichlet à deux dimensions sur un rectangle

Jean Chanzy (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Ce travail a pour objet l’étude d’une méthode de « discrétisation » du Laplacien dans le problème de Poisson à deux dimensions sur un rectangle, avec des conditions aux limites de Dirichlet. Nous approchons l’opérateur Laplacien par une matrice de Toeplitz à blocs, eux-mêmes de Toeplitz, et nous établissons une formule donnant les blocs de l’inverse de cette matrice. Nous donnons ensuite un développement asymptotique de la trace de la matrice inverse, et du déterminant de la matrice de Toeplitz....

Inversion d’un opérateur de Toeplitz tronqué à symbole matriciel et théorèmes-limite de Szegö

Jean Chanzy (2006)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Ce travail est une étude théorique d’opérateurs de Toeplitz dont le symbole est une fonction matricielle régulière définie positive partout sur le tore à une dimension. Nous proposons d’abord une formule d’inversion exacte pour un opérateur de Toeplitz à symbole matriciel, démontrée au moyen d’un théorème établi en annexe et donnant la solution du problème de la prédiction relatif à un passé fini pour un processus stationnaire du second ordre. Nous établissons ensuite, à partir de cet inverse, un...

Isospectrality for quantum toric integrable systems

Laurent Charles, Álvaro Pelayo, San Vũ Ngoc (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We give a full description of the semiclassical spectral theory of quantum toric integrable systems using microlocal analysis for Toeplitz operators. This allows us to settle affirmatively the isospectral problem for quantum toric integrable systems: the semiclassical joint spectrum of the system, given by a sequence of commuting Toeplitz operators on a sequence of Hilbert spaces, determines the classical integrable system given by the symplectic manifold and commuting Hamiltonians. This type of...

Lifting properties, Nehari theorem and Paley lacunary inequality.

Mischa Cotlar, Cora Sadosky (1986)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

A general notion of lifting properties for families of sesquilinear forms is formulated. These lifting properties, which appear as particular cases in many classical interpolation problems, are studied for the Toeplitz kernels in Z, and applied for refining and extending the Nehari theorem and the Paley lacunary inequality.

Local Toeplitz operators based on wavelets: phase space patterns for rough wavelets

Krzysztof Nowak (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We consider two standard group representations: one acting on functions by translations and dilations, the other by translations and modulations, and we study local Toeplitz operators based on them. Local Toeplitz operators are the averages of projection-valued functions g P g , ϕ , where for a fixed function ϕ, P g , ϕ denotes the one-dimensional orthogonal projection on the function U g ϕ , U is a group representation and g is an element of the group. They are defined as integrals ʃ W P g , ϕ d g , where W is an open, relatively...

m-Berezin transform and compact operators.

Kyesook Nam, Dechao Zheng, Changyong Zhong (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

m-Berezin transforms are introduced for bounded operators on the Bergman space of the unit ball. The norm of the m-Berezin transform as a linear operator from the space of bounded operators to L∞ is found. We show that the m-Berezin transforms are commuting with each other and Lipschitz with respect to the pseudo-hyperbolic distance on the unit ball. Using the m-Berezin transforms we show that a radial operator in the Toeplitz algebra is compact iff its Berezin transform vanishes on the boundary...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 331