Displaying 21 – 40 of 110

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On an extended contact Bochner curvature tensor on contact metric manifolds

Hiroshi Endo (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

On Sasakian manifolds, Matsumoto and Chūman [3] defined a contact Bochner curvature tensor (see also Yano [7]) which is invariant under D-homothetic deformations (for D-homothetic deformations, see Tanno [5]). On the other hand, Tricerri and Vanhecke [6] defined a general Bochner curvature tensor with conformal invariance on almost Hermitian manifolds. In this paper we define an extended contact Bochner curvature tensor which is invariant under D-homothetic deformations of contact metric manifolds;...

On applications of the Yano–Ako operator

A. Magden, Arif A. Salimov (2006)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper we consider a method by which a skew-symmetric tensor field of type (1,2) in M n can be extended to the tensor bundle T q 0 ( M n ) ( q > 0 ) on the pure cross-section....

On Bochner flat para-Kählerian manifolds

Dorota Łuczyszyn (2005)

Open Mathematics

Let B be the Bochner curvature tensor of a para-Kählerian manifold. It is proved that if the manifold is Bochner parallel (∇ B = 0), then it is Bochner flat (B = 0) or locally symmetric (∇ R = 0). Moreover, we define the notion of tha paraholomorphic pseudosymmetry of a para-Kählerian manifold. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for a Bochner flat para-Kählerian manifold to be paraholomorphically pseudosymmetric. Especially, in the case when the Ricci operator is diagonalizable, a Bochner...

On compact astheno-Kähler manifolds

Koji Matsuo, Takao Takahashi (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that every compact balanced astheno-Kähler manifold is Kähler, and that there exists an astheno-Kähler structure on the product of certain compact normal almost contact metric manifolds.

On compact homogeneous symplectic manifolds

P. B. Zwart, William M. Boothby (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper the authors study compact homogeneous spaces G / K (of a Lie group G ) on which there if defined a G -invariant symplectic form Ω . It is an important feature of the paper that very little is assumed concerning G and K . The essential assumptions are: (1) G is connected and (2) K is uniform (i.e., G / K is compact). Further, for convenience only and with no loss of generality, it is supposed that G is simply connected and K contains no connected normal subgroup of G , i.e., that G acts almost effectively...

On compact symplectic and Kählerian solvmanifolds which are not completely solvable

Aleksy Tralle (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We are interested in the problem of describing compact solvmanifolds admitting symplectic and Kählerian structures. This was first considered in [3, 4] and [7]. These papers used the Hattori theorem concerning the cohomology of solvmanifolds hence the results obtained covered only the completely solvable case}. Our results do not use the assumption of complete solvability. We apply our methods to construct a new example of a compact symplectic non-Kählerian solvmanifold.

On F-algebroids and Dubrovin’s duality

John Alexander Cruz Morales, Alexander Torres-Gomez (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this note we introduce the concept of F-algebroid, and give its elementary properties and some examples. We provide a description of the almost duality for Frobenius manifolds, introduced by Dubrovin, in terms of a composition of two anchor maps of a unique cotangent F-algebroid.

On Galilean connections and the first jet bundle

James Grant, Bradley Lackey (2012)

Open Mathematics

We see how the first jet bundle of curves into affine space can be realized as a homogeneous space of the Galilean group. Cartan connections with this model are precisely the geometric structure of second-order ordinary differential equations under time-preserving transformations - sometimes called KCC-theory. With certain regularity conditions, we show that any such Cartan connection induces “laboratory” coordinate systems, and the geodesic equations in this coordinates form a system of second-order...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 110