Displaying 161 – 180 of 286

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Finite elements methods for solving viscoelastic thin plates

Helena Růžičková, Alexander Ženíšek (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The present paper deals with numerical solution of a viscoelastic plate. The discrete problem is defined by C 1 -elements and a linear multistep method. The effect of numerical integration is studied as well. The rate of cnvergence is established. Some examples are given in the conclusion.

Finite Volume Box Schemes and Mixed Methods

Jean-Pierre Croisille (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present the numerical analysis on the Poisson problem of two mixed Petrov-Galerkin finite volume schemes for equations in divergence form div ϕ ( u , u ) = f . The first scheme, which has been introduced in [CITE], is a generalization in two dimensions of Keller's box-scheme. The second scheme is the dual of the first one, and is a cell-centered scheme for u and the flux φ. For the first scheme, the two trial finite element spaces are the nonconforming space of Crouzeix-Raviart for the primal unknown u...

Finite volume method in curvilinear coordinates for hyperbolic conservation laws⋆

A. Bonnement, T. Fajraoui, H. Guillard, M. Martin, A. Mouton, B. Nkonga, A. Sangam (2011)

ESAIM: Proceedings

This paper deals with the design of finite volume approximation of hyperbolic conservation laws in curvilinear coordinates. Such coordinates are encountered naturally in many problems as for instance in the analysis of a large number of models coming from magnetic confinement fusion in tokamaks. In this paper we derive a new finite volume method for hyperbolic conservation laws in curvilinear coordinates. The method is first described in a general...

Finite volume methods for elliptic PDE’s : a new approach

Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider a new formulation for finite volume element methods, which is satisfied by known finite volume methods and it can be used to introduce new ones. This framework results by approximating the test function in the formulation of finite element method. We analyze piecewise linear conforming or nonconforming approximations on nonuniform triangulations and prove optimal order H 1 - norm and L 2 - norm error estimates.

Finite Volume Methods for Elliptic PDE's: A New Approach

Panagiotis Chatzipantelidis (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider a new formulation for finite volume element methods, which is satisfied by known finite volume methods and it can be used to introduce new ones. This framework results by approximating the test function in the formulation of finite element method. We analyze piecewise linear conforming or nonconforming approximations on nonuniform triangulations and prove optimal order H1-norm and L2-norm error estimates.

Finite volume methods for the valuation of American options

Julien Berton, Robert Eymard (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider the use of finite volume methods for the approximation of a parabolic variational inequality arising in financial mathematics. We show, under some regularity conditions, the convergence of the upwind implicit finite volume scheme to a weak solution of the variational inequality in a bounded domain. Some results, obtained in comparison with other methods on two dimensional cases, show that finite volume schemes can be accurate and efficient.

Finite volume scheme for multi-dimensional drift-diffusion equations and convergence analysis

Claire Chainais-Hillairet, Jian-Guo Liu, Yue-Jun Peng (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We introduce a finite volume scheme for multi-dimensional drift-diffusion equations. Such equations arise from the theory of semiconductors and are composed of two continuity equations coupled with a Poisson equation. In the case that the continuity equations are non degenerate, we prove the convergence of the scheme and then the existence of solutions to the problem. The key point of the proof relies on the construction of an approximate gradient of the electric potential which allows us to deal...

Finite volume scheme for multi-dimensional drift-diffusion equations and convergence analysis

Claire Chainais-Hillairet, Jian-Guo Liu, Yue-Jun Peng (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We introduce a finite volume scheme for multi-dimensional drift-diffusion equations. Such equations arise from the theory of semiconductors and are composed of two continuity equations coupled with a Poisson equation. In the case that the continuity equations are non degenerate, we prove the convergence of the scheme and then the existence of solutions to the problem. The key point of the proof relies on the construction of an approximate gradient of the electric potential which allows us to deal...

Finite volume scheme for two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media involving capillary pressure discontinuities

Clément Cancès (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study a one-dimensional model for two-phase flows in heterogeneous media, in which the capillary pressure functions can be discontinuous with respect to space. We first give a model, leading to a system of degenerated nonlinear parabolic equations spatially coupled by nonlinear transmission conditions. We approximate the solution of our problem thanks to a monotonous finite volume scheme. The convergence of the underlying discrete solution to a weak solution when the discretization step...

Finite volume schemes for a nonlinear hyperbolic equation. Convergence towards the entropy solution and error estimate

Claire Chainais-Hillairet (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we study some finite volume schemes for the nonlinear hyperbolic equation u t ( x , t ) + div F ( x , t , u ( x , t ) ) = 0 with the initial condition u 0 L ( N ) . Passing to the limit in these schemes, we prove the existence of an entropy solution u L i n f t y ( N × + ) . Proving also uniqueness, we obtain the convergence of the finite volume approximation to the entropy solution in L l o c p ( N × + ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ +∞. Furthermore, if u 0 L BV l o c ( N ) , we show that u BV l o c ( N × + ) , which leads to an “ h 1 4 ” error estimate between the approximate and the entropy solutions (where h defines the size of the...

Finite volume schemes for fully non-linear elliptic equations in divergence form

Jérôme Droniou (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We construct finite volume schemes, on unstructured and irregular grids and in any space dimension, for non-linear elliptic equations of the p -laplacian kind: - div ( | u | p - 2 u ) = f (with 1 < p < ). We prove the existence and uniqueness of the approximate solutions, as well as their strong convergence towards the solution of the PDE. The outcome of some numerical tests are also provided.

Finite volume schemes for fully non-linear elliptic equations in divergence form

Jérôme Droniou (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We construct finite volume schemes, on unstructured and irregular grids and in any space dimension, for non-linear elliptic equations of the p-Laplacian kind: -div(|∇u|p-2∇u) = ƒ (with 1 < p < ∞). We prove the existence and uniqueness of the approximate solutions, as well as their strong convergence towards the solution of the PDE. The outcome of some numerical tests are also provided.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 286