Displaying 101 – 120 of 141

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Singularities of implicit differential systems and maximum principle

Stanisław Janeczko, Fernand Pelletier (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The integrability condition for the Lagrangian implicit differential systems of (TP,ω̇), introduced in [7], is applied for the specialized control theory systems. The Pontryagin maximum principle was reformulated in the framework of implicit differential systems and the corresponding necessary and sufficient conditions were proved. The beginning of the classification list of normal forms for Lagrangian implicit differential systems according to the symplectic equivalence is provided and the corresponding...

Some aspects of the homogeneous formalism in field theory and gauge invariance

Marcella Palese, Ekkehart Winterroth (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

We propose a suitable formulation of the Hamiltonian formalism for Field Theory in terms of Hamiltonian connections and multisymplectic forms where a composite fibered bundle, involving a line bundle, plays the role of an extended configuration bundle. This new approach can be interpreted as a suitable generalization to Field Theory of the homogeneous formalism for Hamiltonian Mechanics. As an example of application, we obtain the expression of a formal energy for a parametrized version of the Hilbert–Einstein...

Sur la topologie de l'espace des systèmes linéaires hamiltoniens anti symétriques accessibles

Phan Nguyen Huynh (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous donnons les formes normales des sytèmes linéaires hamiltoniens antisymétriques accessibles H A n , m , p . Nous construisons une stratification et une décomposition cellulaire analytique de H A n , m , p , puis nous prouvons que son groupe d’homotopie est isomorphe à celui d’une grassmanienne. Ensuite, nous démontrons que H A n , m , p est homotopiquement équivalent à l’espace des systèmes linéaires accessibles. En appliquant ces résultats topologiques, on peut prouver qu’il n’existe pas de paramétrisation continue...

Systèmes hamiltoniens k-symplectiques.

Azzouz Awane, Mohamed Belam, Sadik Fikri, Mohammed Lahmouz, Bouchra Naanani (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study some properties of the k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems in analogy with the well-known classical Hamiltonian systems. The integrability of k-symplectic Hamiltonian systems and the relationships with the Nambu's statistical mechanics are given.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 141