Displaying 61 – 80 of 340

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Small-stencil 3D schemes for diffusive flows in porous media

Robert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaèle Herbin (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we study some discretization schemes for diffusive flows in heterogeneous anisotropic porous media. We first introduce the notion of gradient scheme, and show that several existing schemes fall into this framework. Then, we construct two new gradient schemes which have the advantage of a small stencil. Numerical results obtained for real reservoir meshes show the efficiency of the new schemes, compared to existing ones.

Small-stencil 3D schemes for diffusive flows in porous media

Robert Eymard, Cindy Guichard, Raphaèle Herbin (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we study some discretization schemes for diffusive flows in heterogeneous anisotropic porous media. We first introduce the notion of gradient scheme, and show that several existing schemes fall into this framework. Then, we construct two new gradient schemes which have the advantage of a small stencil. Numerical results obtained for real reservoir meshes show the efficiency of the new schemes, compared to existing ones.

Smoothness of the motion of a rigid body immersed in an incompressible perfect fluid

Olivier Glass, Franck Sueur, Takéo Takahashi (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We consider the motion of a rigid body immersed in an incompressible perfect fluid which occupies a three-dimensional bounded domain. For such a system the Cauchy problem is well-posed locally in time if the initial velocity of the fluid is in the Hölder space C 1 , r . In this paper we prove that the smoothness of the motion of the rigid body may be only limited by the smoothness of the boundaries (of the body and of the domain). In particular for analytic boundaries the motion of the rigid body is analytic...

Smoothness properties of solutions to the nonlinear Stokes problem with nonautonomous potentials

Dominic Breit (2013)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss regularity results concerning local minimizers u : n Ω n of variational integrals like Ω { F ( · , ε ( w ) ) - f · w } d x defined on energy classes of solenoidal fields. For the potential F we assume a ( p , q ) -elliptic growth condition. In the situation without x -dependence it is known that minimizers are of class C 1 , α on an open subset Ω 0 of Ω with full measure if q < p n + 2 n (for n = 2 we have Ω 0 = Ω ). In this article we extend this to the case of nonautonomous integrands. Of course our result extends to weak solutions of the corresponding nonlinear...

Solitary Structures Sustained by Marangoni Flow

L.M. Pismen (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We construct interfacial solitary structures (spots) generated by a bistable chemical reaction or a non-equilibrium phase transition in a surfactant film. The structures are stabilized by Marangoni flow that prevents the spread of a state with a higher surface tension when it is dynamically favorable. In a system without surfactant mass conservation, a unique radius of a solitary spot exists within a certain range of values of the Marangoni number...

Solution of a linear model of a single-piston pump by means of methods for differential equations in Hilbert spaces

Ivan Straškraba (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

A mathematical model of a fluid flow in a single-piston pump is formulated and solved. Variation of pressure and rate of flow in suction and delivery piping respectively is described by linearized Euler equations for barotropic fluid. A new phenomenon is introduced by a boundary condition with discontinuous coefficient describing function of a valve. The system of Euler equations is converted to a second order equation in the space L 2 ( 0 , l ) where l is length of the pipe. The existence, unicity and stability...

Solution of contaminant transport with adsorption in porous media by the method of characteristics

Jozef Kacur, Roger Van Keer (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A new approximation scheme is presented for the mathematical model of convection-diffusion and adsorption. The method is based on the relaxation method and the method of characteristics. We prove the convergence of the method and present some numerical experiments in 1D. The results can be applied to the model of contaminant transport in porous media with multi-site, equilibrium and non-equilibrium type of adsorption.

Solution of contaminant transport with adsorption in porous media by the method of characteristics

Jozef Kacur, Roger Van Keer (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A new approximation scheme is presented for the mathematical model of convection-diffusion and adsorption. The method is based on the relaxation method and the method of characteristics. We prove the convergence of the method and present some numerical experiments in 1D. The results can be applied to the model of contaminant transport in porous media with multi-site, equilibrium and non-equilibrium type of adsorption.

Solution of elliptic problem with not fully specified Dirichlet boundary value conditions and its application in hydrodynamics

Miloslav Feistauer (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

The author solves a mixed boundary value problem for linear partial differential equations of the elliptic type in a multiply connected domain. Dirichlet conditions are given on the components of the boundary of the domain up to some additive constants which are not known a priori. These constants are to be determined, together with the solution of the boundary value problem, to fulfil some additional conditions. The results are immediately applicable in hydrodynamics to the solution of problems...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 340