Displaying 121 – 140 of 518

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A new conservative finite difference scheme for Boussinesq paradigm equation

Natalia Kolkovska, Milena Dimova (2012)

Open Mathematics

A family of nonlinear conservative finite difference schemes for the multidimensional Boussinesq Paradigm Equation is considered. A second order of convergence and a preservation of the discrete energy for this approach are proved. Existence and boundedness of the discrete solution on an appropriate time interval are established. The schemes have been numerically tested on the models of the propagation of a soliton and the interaction of two solitons. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the...

A new domain decomposition method for the compressible Euler equations

Victorita Dolean, Frédéric Nataf (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this work we design a new domain decomposition method for the Euler equations in 2 dimensions. The starting point is the equivalence with a third order scalar equation to whom we can apply an algorithm inspired from the Robin-Robin preconditioner for the convection-diffusion equation [Achdou and Nataf, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I325 (1997) 1211–1216]. Afterwards we translate it into an algorithm for the initial system and prove that at the continuous level and for a decomposition into 2 sub-domains,...

A new error correction method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations based on two local Gauss integrations

Yun-Bo Yang, Qiong-Xiang Kong (2017)

Applications of Mathematics

A new error correction method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations based on two local Gauss integrations is presented. Applying the orthogonal projection technique, we introduce two local Gauss integrations as a stabilizing term in the error correction method, and derive a new error correction method. In both the coarse solution computation step and the error computation step, a locally stabilizing term based on two local Gauss integrations is introduced. The stability and convergence of the...

A new formulation of the Stokes problem in a cylinder, and its spectral discretization

Nehla Abdellatif, Christine Bernardi (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We analyze a new formulation of the Stokes equations in three-dimensional axisymmetric geometries, relying on Fourier expansion with respect to the angular variable: the problem for each Fourier coefficient is two-dimensional and has six scalar unknowns, corresponding to the vector potential and the vorticity. A spectral discretization is built on this formulation, which leads to an exactly divergence-free discrete velocity. We prove optimal error estimates.

A new formulation of the Stokes problem in a cylinder, and its spectral discretization

Nehla Abdellatif, Christine Bernardi (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We analyze a new formulation of the Stokes equations in three-dimensional axisymmetric geometries, relying on Fourier expansion with respect to the angular variable: the problem for each Fourier coefficient is two-dimensional and has six scalar unknowns, corresponding to the vector potential and the vorticity. A spectral discretization is built on this formulation, which leads to an exactly divergence-free discrete velocity. We prove optimal error estimates.

A new model to describe the response of a class of seemingly viscoplastic materials

Sai Manikiran Garimella, Mohan Anand, Kumbakonam R. Rajagopal (2022)

Applications of Mathematics

A new model is proposed to mimic the response of a class of seemingly viscoplastic materials. Using the proposed model, the steady, fully developed flow of the fluid is studied in a cylindrical pipe. The semi-inverse approach is applied to obtain an analytical solution for the velocity profile. The model is used to fit the shear-stress data of several supposedly viscoplastic materials reported in the literature. A numerical procedure is developed to solve the governing ODE and the procedure is validated...

A new numerical model for propagation of tsunami waves

Karel Švadlenka (2007)


A new model for propagation of long waves including the coastal area is introduced. This model considers only the motion of the surface of the sea under the condition of preservation of mass and the sea floor is inserted into the model as an obstacle to the motion. Thus we obtain a constrained hyperbolic free-boundary problem which is then solved numerically by a minimizing method called the discrete Morse semi-flow. The results of the computation in 1D show the adequacy of the proposed model.

A new quadrilateral MINI-element for Stokes equations

Oh-In Kwon, Chunjae Park (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We introduce a new stable MINI-element pair for incompressible Stokes equations on quadrilateral meshes, which uses the smallest number of bubbles for the velocity. The pressure is discretized with the P1-midpoint-edge-continuous elements and each component of the velocity field is done with the standard Q1-conforming elements enriched by one bubble a quadrilateral. The superconvergence in the pressure of the proposed pair is analyzed on uniform rectangular meshes, and tested numerically on uniform...

A new two-dimensional shallow water model including pressure effects and slow varying bottom topography

Stefania Ferrari, Fausto Saleri (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The motion of an incompressible fluid confined to a shallow basin with a slightly varying bottom topography is considered. Coriolis force, surface wind and pressure stresses, together with bottom and lateral friction stresses are taken into account. We introduce appropriate scalings into a three-dimensional anisotropic eddy viscosity model; after averaging on the vertical direction and considering some asymptotic assumptions, we obtain a two-dimensional model, which approximates the three-dimensional...

A new two-dimensional Shallow Water model including pressure effects and slow varying bottom topography

Stefania Ferrari, Fausto Saleri (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The motion of an incompressible fluid confined to a shallow basin with a slightly varying bottom topography is considered. Coriolis force, surface wind and pressure stresses, together with bottom and lateral friction stresses are taken into account. We introduce appropriate scalings into a three-dimensional anisotropic eddy viscosity model; after averaging on the vertical direction and considering some asymptotic assumptions, we obtain a two-dimensional model, which approximates the three-dimensional...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 518