On Optimum Regularity of Navier-Stokes Solutions at Time t = 0.
We consider the Euler equation for an incompressible fluid on a three dimensional torus, and the construction of its solution as a power series in time. We point out some general facts on this subject, from convergence issues for the power series to the role of symmetries of the initial datum. We then turn the attention to a paper by Behr, Nečas and Wu, ESAIM: M2AN 35 (2001) 229–238; here, the authors chose a very simple Fourier polynomial as an initial datum for the Euler equation and analyzed...
We consider a class of incompressible fluids whose viscosities depend on the pressure and the shear rate. Suitable boundary conditions on the traction at the inflow/outflow part of boundary are given. As an advantage of this, the mean value of the pressure over the domain is no more a free parameter which would have to be prescribed otherwise. We prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions (the latter for small data) and discuss particular applications of the results.
We consider mixtures of compressible viscous fluids consisting of two miscible species. In contrast to the theory of non-homogeneous incompressible fluids where one has only one velocity field, here we have two densities and two velocity fields assigned to each species of the fluid. We obtain global classical solutions for quasi-stationary Stokes-like system with interaction term.
This paper concerns improving Prodi-Serrin-Ladyzhenskaya type regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes system, in the sense of multiplying certain negative powers of scaling invariant norms.
The boundary layer equations for the non-Newtonian power law fluid are examined under the classical conditions of uniform flow past a semi infinite flat plate. We investigate the behavior of the similarity solution and employing the Crocco-like transformation we establish the power series representation of the solution near the plate.