Displaying 241 – 260 of 427

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Non-linear observer design method based on dissipation normal form

Václav Černý, Josef Hrušák (2005)


Observer design is one of large fields investigated in automatic control theory and a lot of articles have already been dedicated to it in technical literature. Non-linear observer design method based on dissipation normal form proposed in the paper represents a new approach to solving the observer design problem for a certain class of non-linear systems. As the theoretical basis of the approach the well known dissipative system theory has been chosen. The main achievement of the contribution consists...

Nonlinear observers for locally uniformly observable systems

Hassan Hammouri, M. Farza (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper deals with the observability analysis and the observer synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems. In the single output case, it is known [4, 5, 6] that systems which are observable independently of the inputs, admit an observable canonical form. These systems are called uniformly observable systems. Moreover, a high gain observer for these systems can be designed on the basis of this canonical form. In this paper, we extend the above results to multi-output uniformly observable systems....

Nonlinear observers for locally uniformly observable systems

Hassan Hammouri, M. Farza (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper deals with the observability analysis and the observer synthesis of a class of nonlinear systems. In the single output case, it is known [4-6] that systems which are observable independently of the inputs, admit an observable canonical form. These systems are called uniformly observable systems. Moreover, a high gain observer for these systems can be designed on the basis of this canonical form. In this paper, we extend the above results to multi-output uniformly observable systems....

Nonlinear system identification using heterogeneous multiple models

Rodolfo Orjuela, Benoît Marx, José Ragot, Didier Maquin (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Multiple models are recognised by their abilities to accurately describe nonlinear dynamic behaviours of a wide variety of nonlinear systems with a tractable model in control engineering problems. Multiple models are built by the interpolation of a set of submodels according to a particular aggregation mechanism, with the heterogeneous multiple model being of particular interest. This multiple model is characterized by the use of heterogeneous submodels in the sense that their state spaces are not...

NTGsim: a graphical user interface and a 3D simulator for nonlinear trajectory generation methodology

Lyall Jonathan Di Trapani, Tamer Inanc (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Nonlinear Trajectory Generation (NTG), developed by Mark Milam, is a software algorithm used to generate trajectories of constrained nonlinear systems in real-time. The goal of this paper is to present an approach to make NTG more userfriendly. To accomplish this, we have programmed a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Java, using object oriented design, which wraps the NTG software and allows the user to quickly and efficiently alter the parameters of NTG. This new program, called NTGsim, eliminates...

Observability and observers for nonlinear systems with time delays

Luis Alejandro Márquez-Martínez, Claude H. Moog, Martín Velasco-Villa (2002)


Basic properties on linearization by output injection are investigated in this paper. A special structure is sought which is linear up to a suitable output injection and under a suitable change of coordinates. It is shown how an observer may be designed using theory available for linear time delay systems.

Observer based control for strong practical stabilization of a class of uncertain time delay systems

Echi Nadhem, Amel Benabdallah (2019)


In this paper, we address the strong practical stabilization problem for a class of uncertain time delay systems with a nominal part written in triangular form. We propose, firstly, a strong practical observer. Then, we show that strong practical stability of the closed loop system with a linear, parameter dependent, state feedback is achieved. Finally, a separation principle is established, that is, we implement the control law with estimate states given by the strong practical observer and we...

Observer form of the hyperbolic type generalized Lorenz system and its use for chaos synchronization

Sergej Čelikovský (2004)


This paper shows that a large class of chaotic systems, introduced in [S. Čelikovský and G. Chen: Hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system and its canonical form. In: Proc. 15th Triennial World Congress of IFAC, Barcelona 2002, CD ROM], as the hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system, can be systematically used to generate synchronized chaotic oscillations. While the generalized Lorenz system unifies the famous Lorenz system and Chen’s system [G. Chen and T. Ueta: Yet another chaotic attractor....

Observer-based adaptive sliding mode fault-tolerant control for the underactuated space robot with joint actuator gain faults

Ronghua Lei, Li Chen (2021)


An adaptive sliding mode fault-tolerant controller based on fault observer is proposed for the space robots with joint actuator gain faults. Firstly, the dynamic model of the underactuated space robot is deduced combining conservation law of linear momentum with Lagrange method. Then, the dynamic model of the manipulator joints is obtained by using the mathematical operation of the block matrices, hence the measurement of the angular acceleration of the base attitude can be omitted. Subsequently,...

On an invariant design of feedbacks for bilinear control systems of second order

Vasiliy Belozyorov (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The problem of linear feedback design for bilinear control systems guaranteeing their conditional closed-loop stability is considered. It is shown that this problem can be reduced to investigating the conditional stability of solutions of quadratic systems of differential equations depending on parameters of the control law. Sufficient conditions for stability in the cone of a homogeneous quadratic system are obtained. For second-order systems, invariant conditions of conditional asymptotic stability...

On application of Rothe's fixed point theorem to study the controllability of fractional semilinear systems with delays

Beata Sikora (2019)


The paper presents finite-dimensional dynamical control systems described by semilinear fractional-order state equations with multiple delays in the control and nonlinear function f . The relative controllability of the presented semilinear system is discussed. Rothe’s fixed point theorem is applied to study the controllability of the fractional-order semilinear system. A control that steers the semilinear system from an initial complete state to a final state at time t > 0 is presented. A numerical...

On asymptotic exit-time control problems lacking coercivity

M. Motta, C. Sartori (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The research on a class of asymptotic exit-time problems with a vanishing Lagrangian, begun in [M. Motta and C. Sartori, Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl. Springer (2014).] for the compact control case, is extended here to the case of unbounded controls and data, including both coercive and non-coercive problems. We give sufficient conditions to have a well-posed notion of generalized control problem and obtain regularity, characterization and approximation results for the value function of the problem....

On characterization of the solution set in case of generalized semiflow

Zdeněk Beran (2009)


In the paper, a possible characterization of a chaotic behavior for the generalized semiflows in finite time is presented. As a main result, it is proven that under specific conditions there is at least one trajectory of generalized semiflow, which lies inside an arbitrary covering of the solution set. The trajectory mutually connects each subset of the covering. A connection with symbolic dynamical systems is mentioned and a possible numerical method of analysis of dynamical behavior is outlined....

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 427