The "Corolarium II" to the proposition XXIII of Saccheri's Euclides.
This "Corolarium" of the Euclides (1733) contains an original proof of propositions 1.27 and 1.28 of Euclide's Elements. In the same corollary Saccheri explains why he dispenses "not only with the propositions 1.27 and 1.28, but also with the very propositions 1.16 and 1.17, except when it is clearly dealt with a triangle circumscribed by alls sides"; and also why he rejects Euclide's proof. Moreover the corollarium has implications for confirmation of Saccheri's method; and also for his concept...
The Lehmus inequality.
The logic of probable from Jakob Bernoulli to J.-H. Lambert. (Logique du probable de Jacques Bernoulli à J.-H. Lambert.)
The Logogryph of Euler.
The problem of Waldegrave.
The revolution of testimonies in the calculus of probabilities. (La révolution des témoignages dans le calcul des probabilités.)
The social phenomena understood by Jakob Bernoulli, as explicated from Condorcet to Auguste Comte. (Les phénomènes sociaux que saisissait Jakob Bernoulli, aperçus de Condorcet à Auguste Comte.)
The theology of large numbers: a conjecture.
The Usefulness of Mathematical learning explained and demonstrated [Book]
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, probability and constitutions: at the intersection of the Scottish, American, and French enlightenments.