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Factor tables 1657–1817, with notes on the birth of number theory

Maarten Bullynck (2010)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

The history of the construction, organisation and publication of factor tables from 1657 to 1817, in itself a fascinating story, also touches upon many topics of general interest for the history of mathematics. The considerable labour involved in constructing and correcting these tables has pushed mathematicians and calculators to organise themselves in networks. Around 1660 J. Pell was the first to motivate others to calculate a large factor table, for which he saw many applications, from Diophantine...

Felix Hausdorff (1868-1942) (ke 150. výročí narození)

Libor Koudela, Jiří Veselý (2018)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Článek pojednává o životě a díle jednoho z nejvýznamnějších německých matematiků Felixe Hausdorffa, který podstatně ovlivnil vývoj mnoha odvětví matematiky 20. století.

Fermat’s method of quadrature

Jaume Paradís, Josep Pla, Pelegrí Viader (2008)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

The Treatise on Quadratureof Fermat (c. 1659), besides containing the first known proof of the computation of the area under a higher parabola, x + m / n d x , or under a higher hyperbola, x - m / n d x —with the appropriate limits of integration in each case—has a second part which was mostly unnoticed by Fermat’s contemporaries. This second part of theTreatise is obscure and difficult to read. In it Fermat reduced the quadrature of a great number of algebraic curves in implicit form to the quadrature of known curves: the...

FFF. Fibonacci: di Fiore in Fiore

Paulo Ribenboim (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In occasione della commemorazione dell’800-esimo anniversario della pubblicazione del Liber Abaci, desidero richiamare l’attenzione del lettore su alcuni dei fatti che preferisco riguardanti numeri di Fibonacci. Tali fatti includono la presenza di quadrati, di multipli di quadrati e di numeri potenti tra i numeri di Fibonacci, la rappresentazione di numeri reali e la costruzione di numeri trascendenti mediante numeri di Fibonacci, la possibilità di costruire una serie zeta ed un dominio a fattorizzazione...


Francis Borceux, Achim Jung, Jiří Rosický, Lurdes Sousa (2008)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques


Bohuslav Balcar (1991)

Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica

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