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A cancellation property for the direct product of graphs

Richard H. Hammack (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Given graphs A, B and C for which A×C ≅ B×C, it is not generally true that A ≅ B. However, it is known that A×C ≅ B×C implies A ≅ B provided that C is non-bipartite, or that there are homomorphisms from A and B to C. This note proves an additional cancellation property. We show that if B and C are bipartite, then A×C ≅ B×C implies A ≅ B if and only if no component of B admits an involution that interchanges its partite sets.

A note on strong and co-strong perfectness of the X-join of graphs

Alina Szelecka, Andrzej Włoch (1996)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Strongly perfect graphs were introduced by C. Berge and P. Duchet in [1]. In [4], [3] the following was studied: the problem of strong perfectness for the Cartesian product, the tensor product, the symmetrical difference of n, n ≥ 2, graphs and for the generalized Cartesian product of graphs. Co-strong perfectness was first studied by G. Ravindra andD. Basavayya [5]. In this paper we discuss strong perfectness and co-strong perfectness for the generalized composition (the lexicographic product)...

A note on the cubical dimension of new classes of binary trees

Kamal Kabyl, Abdelhafid Berrachedi, Éric Sopena (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The cubical dimension of a graph G is the smallest dimension of a hypercube into which G is embeddable as a subgraph. The conjecture of Havel (1984) claims that the cubical dimension of every balanced binary tree with 2 n vertices, n 1 , is n . The 2-rooted complete binary tree of depth n is obtained from two copies of the complete binary tree of depth n by adding an edge linking their respective roots. In this paper, we determine the cubical dimension of trees obtained by subdividing twice a 2-rooted...

A Note on Uniquely Embeddable Forests

Justyna Otfinowska, Mariusz Woźniak (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let F be a forest of order n. It is well known that if F 6= Sn, a star of order n, then there exists an embedding of F into its complement F. In this note we consider a problem concerning the uniqueness of such an embedding.

A ramsey-type theorem for multiple disjoint copies of induced subgraphs

Tomoki Nakamigawa (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let k and ℓ be positive integers with ℓ ≤ k − 2. It is proved that there exists a positive integer c depending on k and ℓ such that every graph of order (2k−1−ℓ/k)n+c contains n vertex disjoint induced subgraphs, where these subgraphs are isomorphic to each other and they are isomorphic to one of four graphs: (1) a clique of order k, (2) an independent set of order k, (3) the join of a clique of order ℓ and an independent set of order k − ℓ, or (4) the union of an independent set of order ℓ and...

A Reduction of the Graph Reconstruction Conjecture

S. Monikandan, J. Balakumar (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph is said to be reconstructible if it is determined up to isomor- phism from the collection of all its one-vertex deleted unlabeled subgraphs. Reconstruction Conjecture (RC) asserts that all graphs on at least three vertices are reconstructible. In this paper, we prove that interval-regular graphs and some new classes of graphs are reconstructible and show that RC is true if and only if all non-geodetic and non-interval-regular blocks G with diam(G) = 2 or diam(Ḡ) = diam(G) = 3 are reconstructible...

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