Displaying 181 – 200 of 215

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Graphs with rainbow connection number two

Arnfried Kemnitz, Ingo Schiermeyer (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge-coloured graph G is rainbow connected if any two vertices are connected by a path whose edges have distinct colours. The rainbow connection number of a connected graph G, denoted rc(G), is the smallest number of colours that are needed in order to make G rainbow connected. In this paper we prove that rc(G) = 2 for every connected graph G of order n and size m, where n - 1 2 + 1 m n 2 - 1 . We also characterize graphs with rainbow connection number two and large clique number.

Graphs with small additive stretch number

Dieter Rautenbach (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The additive stretch number s a d d ( G ) of a graph G is the maximum difference of the lengths of a longest induced path and a shortest induced path between two vertices of G that lie in the same component of G.We prove some properties of minimal forbidden configurations for the induced-hereditary classes of graphs G with s a d d ( G ) k for some k ∈ N₀ = 0,1,2,.... Furthermore, we derive characterizations of these classes for k = 1 and k = 2.

Graphs with small diameter determined by their D -spectra

Ruifang Liu, Jie Xue (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V ( G ) = { v 1 , v 2 , ... , v n } . The distance matrix D ( G ) = ( d i j ) n × n is the matrix indexed by the vertices of G , where d i j denotes the distance between the vertices v i and v j . Suppose that λ 1 ( D ) λ 2 ( D ) λ n ( D ) are the distance spectrum of G . The graph G is said to be determined by its D -spectrum if with respect to the distance matrix D ( G ) , any graph having the same spectrum as G is isomorphic to G . We give the distance characteristic polynomial of some graphs with small diameter, and also prove that these graphs are determined...

Graphs with the same peripheral and center eccentric vertices

Peter Kyš (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

The eccentricity e ( v ) of a vertex v is the distance from v to a vertex farthest from v , and u is an eccentric vertex for v if its distance from v is d ( u , v ) = e ( v ) . A vertex of maximum eccentricity in a graph G is called peripheral, and the set of all such vertices is the peripherian, denoted P e r i G ) . We use C e p ( G ) to denote the set of eccentric vertices of vertices in C ( G ) . A graph G is called an S-graph if C e p ( G ) = P e r i ( G ) . In this paper we characterize S-graphs with diameters less or equal to four, give some constructions of S-graphs and...

Graphs without induced P₅ and C₅

Gabor Bacsó, Zsolt Tuza (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Zverovich [Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 23 (2003), 159-162.] has proved that the domination number and connected domination number are equal on all connected graphs without induced P₅ and C₅. Here we show (with an independent proof) that the following stronger result is also valid: Every P₅-free and C₅-free connected graph contains a minimum-size dominating set that induces a complete subgraph.

Green functions on self-similar graphs and bounds for the spectrum of the laplacian

Bernhard Krön (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Combining the study of the simple random walk on graphs, generating functions (especially Green functions), complex dynamics and general complex analysis we introduce a new method for spectral analysis on self-similar graphs.First, for a rather general, axiomatically defined class of self-similar graphs a graph theoretic analogue to the Banach fixed point theorem is proved. The subsequent results hold for a subclass consisting of “symmetrically” self-similar graphs which however is still more general then...

Gromov hyperbolic cubic graphs

Domingo Pestana, José Rodríguez, José Sigarreta, María Villeta (2012)

Open Mathematics

If X is a geodesic metric space and x 1; x 2; x 3 ∈ X, a geodesic triangle T = {x 1; x 2; x 3} is the union of the three geodesics [x 1 x 2], [x 2 x 3] and [x 3 x 1] in X. The space X is δ-hyperbolic (in the Gromov sense) if any side of T is contained in a δ-neighborhood of the union of the two other sides, for every geodesic triangle T in X. We denote by δ(X) the sharp hyperbolicity constant of X, i.e., δ(X) = inf {δ ≥ 0: X is δ-hyperbolic}. We obtain information about the hyperbolicity constant...

Gromov hyperbolicity of planar graphs

Alicia Cantón, Ana Granados, Domingo Pestana, José Rodríguez (2013)

Open Mathematics

We prove that under appropriate assumptions adding or removing an infinite amount of edges to a given planar graph preserves its non-hyperbolicity, a result which is shown to be false in general. In particular, we make a conjecture that every tessellation graph of ℝ2 with convex tiles is non-hyperbolic; it is shown that in order to prove this conjecture it suffices to consider tessellation graphs of ℝ2 such that every tile is a triangle and a partial answer to this question is given. A weaker version...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 215