Compact integers and factorials
The triples , , where , satisfy the equation . In this paper it is shown that the same equation has no integer solution with , thus a conjecture put forward by Z. Zhang, J. Luo, P. Z. Yuan (2013) is confirmed.
We consider the Lebesgue-Ramanujan-Nagell type equation , where and are unknown integers with . We determine all integer solutions to the above equation. The proof depends on the classical results of Bilu, Hanrot and Voutier on primitive divisors in Lehmer sequences, and finding all -integral points on a class of elliptic curves.
A nonlinear system of two delay differential equations is proposed to model hematopoietic stem cell dynamics. Each equation describes the evolution of a sub-population, either proliferating or nonproliferating. The nonlinearity accounting for introduction of nonproliferating cells in the proliferating phase is assumed to depend upon the total number of cells. Existence and stability of steady states are investigated. A Lyapunov functional is built to obtain the global asymptotic stability of the...
Dati o numeri algebrici non nulli tali che non è una radice dell'unità per ogni , consideriamo una classe di determinanti di Vandermonde generalizzati di ordine quattro , al variare di in , connessa con alcuni problemi diofantei. Dimostriamo che il numero delle soluzioni in posizione generica dell'equazione polinomiale-esponenziale disomogenea non supera una costante esplicita dipendente solo da .
These are expository notes that accompany my talk at the 25th Journées Arithmétiques, July 2–6, 2007, Edinburgh, Scotland. I aim to shed light on the following two questions:(i)Given a Diophantine equation, what information can be obtained by following the strategy of Wiles’ proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem?(ii)Is it useful to combine this approach with traditional approaches to Diophantine equations: Diophantine approximation, arithmetic geometry, ...?
We study the Diophantine equations and where and are positive integers. We show that the first one holds if and only if or and that the second one holds if and only if .
The ring of power sums is formed by complex functions on of the formfor some and . Let be absolutely irreducible, monic and of degree at least in . We consider Diophantine inequalities of the formand show that all the solutions have parametrized by some power sums in a finite set. As a consequence, we prove that the equationwith not constant, monic in and not constant, has only finitely many solutions.
In this paper, we study triples and of distinct positive integers such that and are all three members of the same binary recurrence sequence.
In this paper, we use the generalisation of Mason’s inequality due to Brownawell and Masser (cf. [8]) to prove effective upper bounds for the zeros of a linear recurring sequence defined over a field of functions in one variable.Moreover, we study similar problems in this context as the equation , where is a linear recurring sequence of polynomials and is a fixed polynomial. This problem was studied earlier in [14,15,16,17,32].
Let A be an arbitrary integral domain of characteristic 0 that is finitely generated over ℤ. We consider Thue equations F(x,y) = δ in x,y ∈ A, where F is a binary form with coefficients from A, and δ is a non-zero element from A, and hyper- and superelliptic equations in x,y ∈ A, where f ∈ A[X], δ ∈ A∖0 and . Under the necessary finiteness conditions we give effective upper bounds for the sizes of the solutions of the equations in terms of appropriate representations for A, δ, F, f, m. These...