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K-finite Whittaker functions are of finite order one


Acta Arithmetica

We prove a finite order one type estimate for the Whittaker function attached to a K-finite section of a principle series representation of a real or complex Chevalley group. Effective computations are made using convexity in ℂⁿ, following the original paper of Jacquet. As an application, we give a simplified proof of the known result of the boundedness in vertical strips of certain automorphic L-functions, using a result of Müller.

Kloosterman-Fourier inversion for symmetric matrices

Omer Offen (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We formulate a Kloosterman transform on the space of generalized Kloosterman integrals on symmetric matrices, and obtain an inversion formula. The formula is a step towards a fundamental lemma of the Jacquet type. At the same time it hints towards a conjectural relative trace formula identity, associated with the metaplectic correspondence.

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