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On the ring of p -integers of a cyclic p -extension over a number field

Humio Ichimura (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let p be a prime number. A finite Galois extension N / F of a number field F with group G has a normal p -integral basis ( p -NIB for short) when 𝒪 N is free of rank one over the group ring 𝒪 F [ G ] . Here, 𝒪 F = 𝒪 F [ 1 / p ] is the ring of p -integers of F . Let m = p e be a power of p and N / F a cyclic extension of degree m . When ζ m F × , we give a necessary and sufficient condition for N / F to have a p -NIB (Theorem 3). When ζ m F × and p [ F ( ζ m ) : F ] , we show that N / F has a p -NIB if and only if N ( ζ m ) / F ( ζ m ) has a p -NIB (Theorem 1). When p divides [ F ( ζ m ) : F ] , we show that this descent property...

On the trace of the ring of integers of an abelian number field

Kurt Girstmair (1992)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K, L be algebraic number fields with K ⊆ L, and O K , O L their respective rings of integers. We consider the trace map T = T L / K : L K and the O K -ideal T ( O L ) O K . By I(L/K) we denote the group indexof T ( O L ) in O K (i.e., the norm of T ( O L ) over ℚ). It seems to be difficult to determine I(L/K) in the general case. If K and L are absolutely abelian number fields, however, we obtain a fairly explicit description of the number I(L/K). This is a consequence of our description of the Galois module structure of T ( O L ) (Theorem 1). The case...

On wild ramification in quaternion extensions

G. Griffith Elder, Jeffrey J. Hooper (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

This paper provides a complete catalog of the break numbers that occur in the ramification filtration of fully and thus wildly ramified quaternion extensions of dyadic number fields which contain - 1 (along with some partial results for the more general case). This catalog depends upon the refined ramification filtration, which as defined in [2] is associated with the biquadratic subfield. Moreover we find that quaternion counter-examples to the conclusion of the Hasse-Arf Theorem are extremely rare...

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