Algorithms for function fields.
Let be a modular elliptic curve, and let be an imaginary quadratic field. We show that the -Selmer group of over certain finite anticyclotomic extensions of , modulo the universal norms, is annihilated by the «characteristic ideal» of the universal norms modulo the Heegner points. We also extend this result to the anticyclotomic -extension of . This refines in the current contest a result of [1].
Number fields can be viewed as analogues of curves over fields. Here we use metrized line bundles as analogues of divisors on curves. Van der Geer and Schoof gave a definition of a function on metrized line bundles that resembles properties of the dimension of , where is a divisor on a curve . In particular, they get a direct analogue of the Rieman-Roch theorem. For three theorems of curves, notably Clifford’s theorem, we will propose arithmetic analogues.