-adic Fourier theory.
Let be a local field of characteristic . The aim of this paper is to describe the ramification groups for the pro- abelian extensions over with regards to the Artin-Schreier-Witt theory. We shall carry out this investigation entirely in the usual framework of local class field theory. This leads to a certain non-degenerate pairing that we shall define in detail, generalizing in this way the Schmid formula to Witt vectors of length . Along the way, we recover a result of Brylinski but with...
We present an account of the construction by S. Sekiguchi and N. Suwa of a cyclic isogeny of affine smooth group schemes unifying the Kummer and Artin-Schreier-Witt isogenies. We complete the construction over an arbitrary base ring. We extend the statements of some results in a form adapted to a further investigation of the models of the group schemes of roots of unity.
We give a new approach for the local class field theory of Serre and Hazewinkel. We also discuss two-dimensional local class field theory in this framework.
L’étude des systèmes dynamiques non archimédiens initiée par J. Lubin conduit à déterminer la ramification de séries à coefficients dans un corps fini , qui commutent entre elles pour la loi . Dans cet article nous traitons le cas des sous-groupes abéliens de qui correspondent par le foncteur corps de normes aux extensions abéliennes des extensions finies de , dont la ramification se stabilise dès le début.
The field-of-norms functor is applied to deduce an explicit formula for the Hilbert symbol in the mixed characteristic case from the explicit formula for the Witt symbol in characteristic in the context of higher local fields. Is is shown that a “very special case” of this construction gives Vostokov’s explicit formula.
L’auteur présente des applications élémentaires de la théorie du corps de classes de Kato et Parshin en dimensions 1 et 3 : calcul du conducteur d’une extension de Witt-Artin-Schreier d’un corps local de dimension 1, et étude des revêtements abéliens des surfaces.
The principal result of this paper is an explicit description of the structure of ramification subgroups of the Galois group of 2-dimensional local field modulo its subgroup of commutators of order . This result plays a clue role in the author’s proof of an analogue of the Grothendieck Conjecture for higher dimensional local fields, cf. Proc. Steklov Math. Institute, vol. 241, 2003, pp. 2-34.