Asymptotic behavior for the best lower bound of Jensen's functional
We study the asymptotics conjecture of Malle for dihedral groups of order , where is an odd prime. We prove the expected lower bound for those groups. For the upper bounds we show that there is a connection to class groups of quadratic number fields. The asymptotic behavior of those class groups is predicted by the Cohen–Lenstra heuristics. Under the assumption of this heuristic we are able to prove the expected upper bounds.
We establish automatic realizations of Galois groups among groups , where is a cyclic group of order for a prime and is a quotient of the group ring .
A completely primary ring is a ring R with identity 1 ≠ 0 whose subset of zero-divisors forms the unique maximal ideal . We determine the structure of the group of automorphisms Aut(R) of a completely primary finite ring R of characteristic p, such that if is the Jacobson radical of R, then ³ = (0), ² ≠ (0), the annihilator of coincides with ² and , the finite field of elements, for any prime p and any positive integer r.