Finite Polynomial Orbits in Finitely Generated Domains.
We present an alternative way of measuring the Gorenstein projective (resp., injective) dimension of modules via a new type of complete projective (resp., injective) resolutions. As an application, we easily recover well known theorems such as the Auslander-Bridger formula. Our approach allows us to relate the Gorenstein global dimension of a ring R to the cohomological invariants silp(R) and spli(R) introduced by Gedrich and Gruenberg by proving that leftG-gldim(R) = maxleftsilp(R), leftspli(R),...
Let be an ideal of Noetherian ring and a finitely generated -module. In this paper, we introduce the concept of weakly colaskerian modules and by using this concept, we give some vanishing and finiteness results for local homology modules. Let , we will prove that for any integer
Equivariant tree models are statistical models used in the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees from genetic data. Here equivariant§ refers to a symmetry group imposed on the root distribution and on the transition matrices in the model. We prove that if that symmetry group is Abelian, then the Zariski closures of these models are defined by polynomial equations of bounded degree, independent of the tree. Moreover, we show that there exists a polynomial-time membership test for that Zariski closure....
Let be a semi-prime ideal. Then is called irredundant with respect to if . If is the intersection of all irredundant ideals with respect to , it is called a fixed-place ideal. If there are no irredundant ideals with respect to , it is called an anti fixed-place ideal. We show that each semi-prime ideal has a unique representation as an intersection of a fixed-place ideal and an anti fixed-place ideal. We say the point is a fixed-place point if is a fixed-place ideal. In this situation...
We show that non-flatness of a morphism φ:X→ Y of complex-analytic spaces with a locally irreducible target of dimension n manifests in the existence of vertical components in the n-fold fibred power of the pull-back of φ to the desingularization of Y. An algebraic analogue follows: Let R be a locally (analytically) irreducible finite type ℂ-algebra and an integral domain of Krull dimension n, and let S be a regular n-dimensional algebra of finite type over R (but not necessarily a finite R-module),...