A memoir on the double ...-functions.
For all integers g ≥ 6 we prove the existence of a metric graph G with [...] w41=1 such that G has Clifford index 2 and there is no tropical modification G′ of G such that there exists a finite harmonic morphism of degree 2 from G′ to a metric graph of genus 1. Those examples show that not all dimension theorems on the space classifying special linear systems for curves have immediate translation to the theory of divisors on metric graphs.
The purpose of this article is to give, for any (commutative) ring , an explicit minimal set of generators for the ring of multisymmetric functions as an -algebra. In characteristic zero, i.e. when is a -algebra, a minimal set of generators has been known since the 19th century. A rather small generating set in the general case has also recently been given by Vaccarino but it is not minimal in general. We also give a sharp degree bound on the generators, improving the degree bound previously...
In this paper we apply the results of our previous article on the -adic interpolation of logarithmic derivatives of formal groups to the construction of -adic -functions attached to certain elliptic curves with complex multiplication. Our results are primarily concerned with curves with supersingular reduction.