Displaying 581 – 600 of 621

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Uniqueness of crepant resolutions and symplectic singularities

Baohua Fu, Yoshinori Namikawa (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove the uniqueness of crepant resolutions for some quotient singularities and for some nilpotent orbits. The finiteness of non-isomorphic symplectic resolutions for 4- dimensional symplectic singularities is proved. We also give an example of a symplectic singularity which admits two non-equivalent symplectic resolutions.


Todor Milanov, Yefeng Shen (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Alessandro Ardizzoni, Federica Galluzzi, Francesco Vaccarino (0)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Valuations and asymptotic invariants for sequences of ideals

Mattias Jonsson, Mircea Mustaţă (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study asymptotic jumping numbers for graded sequences of ideals, and show that every such invariant is computed by a suitable real valuation of the function field. We conjecture that every valuation that computes an asymptotic jumping number is necessarily quasi-monomial. This conjecture holds in dimension two. In general, we reduce it to the case of affine space and to graded sequences of valuation ideals. Along the way, we study the structure of a suitable valuation space.

Weakly-exceptional quotient singularities

Dmitrijs Sakovics (2012)

Open Mathematics

A singularity is said to be weakly-exceptional if it has a unique purely log terminal blow-up. In dimension 2, V. Shokurov proved that weakly-exceptional quotient singularities are exactly those of types D n, E 6, E 7, E 8. This paper classifies the weakly-exceptional quotient singularities in dimensions 3 and 4.

Which weakly ramified group actions admit a universal formal deformation?

Jakub Byszewski, Gunther Cornelissen (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Consider a representation of a finite group G as automorphisms of a power series ring k [ [ t ] ] over a perfect field k of positive characteristic. Let D be the associated formal mixed-characteristic deformation functor. Assume that the action of G is weakly ramified, i.e., the second ramification group is trivial. Example: for a group action on an ordinary curve, the action of a ramification group on the completed local ring of any point is weakly ramified.We prove that the only such D that are not pro-representable...

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 621