Displaying 161 – 180 of 184

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Arithmetic of 0-cycles on varieties defined over number fields

Yongqi Liang (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let X be a rationally connected algebraic variety, defined over a number field k . We find a relation between the arithmetic of rational points on  X and the arithmetic of zero-cycles. More precisely, we consider the following statements: (1) the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to weak approximation for  K -rational points on  X K for all finite extensions K / k ; (2) the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to weak approximation in some sense that we define for zero-cycles of degree...

Arithmetically Gorenstein curves on arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay surfaces.

Alberto Dolcetti (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let Sigma C PN be a smooth connected arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay surface. Then there are at most finitely many complete linear systems on Sigma, not of the type |kH - K| (H hyperplane section and K canonical divisor on Sigma), containing arithmetically Gorenstein curves.

Around rationality of cycles

Raphaël Fino (2013)

Open Mathematics

We prove certain results comparing rationality of algebraic cycles over the function field of a quadric and over the base field. These results have already been obtained by Alexander Vishik in the case of characteristic 0, which allowed him to work with algebraic cobordism theory. Our proofs use the modulo 2 Steenrod operations in the Chow theory and work in any characteristic ≠ 2.

Asymptotic behaviour of numerical invariants of algebraic varieties

F. L. Zak (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that if the degree of a nonsingular projective variety is high enough, maximization of any of the most important numerical invariants, such as class, Betti number, and any of the Chern or middle Hodge numbers, leads to the same class of extremal varieties. Moreover, asymptotically (say, for varieties whose total Betti number is big enough) the ratio of any two of these invariants tends to a well-defined constant.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 184