K -théorie algébrique et représentations de groupes Jean-Louis Loday (1976) Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
K2-Cohomology and the Second Chow Group. Jean-Louis Colliot-Thélène, Wayne Raskind (1985) Mathematische Annalen
Killing divisor classes by algebraisation Alexandru Buium (1985) Annales de l'institut Fourier It is proved that any isolated singularity of complete intersection has an algebraisation whose divisor class group is finitely generated.
Kodaira Dimension of Algebraic Fiber Spaces Over Curves. Yujiro Kawamata (1982) Inventiones mathematicae
Kodaira vanishing theorems on non-complete algebraic manifolds. Siegmund Kosarew, Ingrid Kosarew (1990) Mathematische Zeitschrift
Kolyvagin's method for Chow groups of Kuga-Sato varieties. Jan Nekovár (1992) Inventiones mathematicae
K-théorie des anneaux d'entiers de corps de nombres et cohomologie étale. C. Soulé (1979) Inventiones mathematicae