Macaulay's theorem and local Torelli for weighted hypersurfaces
Sia un fibrato in coniche standard con curva discriminante di grado . La varietà delle sezioni minime delle superfici , dove è una curva di grado , si spezza in due componenti e . Si prova che, mediante la mappa di Abel-Jacobi , una di queste componenti domina la Jacobiana intermedia , mentre l'altra domina il divisore theta . Questi risultati vengono applicati ad alcuni threefold di Fano birazionalmente equivalenti a un fibrato in coniche. In particolare si prova che il generico...
In this article we give an algorithm which produces a basis of the -th de Rham cohomology of the affine smooth hypersurface compatible with the mixed Hodge structure, where is a polynomial in variables and satisfies a certain regularity condition at infinity (and hence has isolated singularities). As an application we show that the notion of a Hodge cycle in regular fibers of is given in terms of the vanishing of integrals of certain polynomial -forms in over topological -cycles on...
Let be an -dimensional irreducible smooth complex projective variety embedded in a projective space. Let be a closed subscheme of , and be a positive integer such that is generated by global sections. Fix an integer , and assume the general divisor is smooth. Denote by the quotient of by the cohomology of and also by the cycle classes of the irreducible components of dimension of . In the present paper we prove that the monodromy representation on for the family of smooth...