Displaying 241 – 260 of 326

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Sur l’espace de modules des faisceaux semi stables de rang 2, de classes de Chern (0,3) sur 2

K. Hulek, Joseph Le Potier (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

L’espace de modules M = M ( 0 , 3 ) des faisceaux semi-stables de rang 2, de classes de Chern (0,3) sur le plan projectif 2 est une variété projective irréductible et lisse de dimension 9. Dans M , les points qui ne proviennent pas d’un faisceau localement libre constituent une hypersurface M . Dans cet article, nous montrons que toute surface complété de M rencontre la frontière M , autrement dit qu’il n’existe pas de famille de fibrés vectoriels paramétrée par une surface complète de M . La démonstration repose...

SUX(r, L) is separably unirational

Georg Hein (2009)

Open Mathematics

We show that the moduli space of SUX (r, L) of rank r bundles of fixed determinant L on a smooth projective curve X is separably unirational.

Symplectic structures on moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces

Francesco Sala (2012)

Open Mathematics

We provide generalizations of the notions of Atiyah class and Kodaira-Spencer map to the case of framed sheaves. Moreover, we construct closed two-forms on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces. As an application, we define a symplectic structure on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on some birationally ruled surfaces.

Tensor product theorem for Hitchin pairs – An algebraic approach

V. Balaji, A.J. Parameswaran (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give an algebraic approach to the study of Hitchin pairs and prove the tensor product theorem for Higgs semistable Hitchin pairs over smooth projective curves defined over algebraically closed fields of characteristic zero and characteristic p , with p satisfying some natural bounds. We also prove the corresponding theorem for polystable Hitchin pairs.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 326