Stability of Two-Dimensional Local Rings. I.
Let X be a quotient surface singularity, and define as the directed graph of maximal Cohen-Macaulay (MCM) modules with edges corresponding to deformation incidences. We conjecture that the number of connected components of is equal to the order of the divisor class group of X, and when X is a rational double point (RDP), we observe that this follows from a result of A. Ishii. We view this as an enrichment of the McKay correspondence. For a general quotient singularity X, we prove the conjecture...
Let H denote the set of formal ares going through a singular point of an algebraic variety V defined over an algebraically closed field k of charactcristic zcro. In the late sixties, J, Nash has observed that for any nonnegative integer s, the set js(H) of s-jets of ares in H is a constructible subset of some affine space. Recently (1999), J. Denef and F. Loeser have proved that the Poincaré series associated with the image of js(H) in some suitable localization of the Grothendieck ring of algebraic...
This paper shows the affirmative answer to the local Nash problem for a toric singularity and analytically pretoric singularity. As a corollary we obtain the affirmative answer to the local Nash problem for a quasi-ordinary singularity.
The behaviour of a holomorphic map germ at a critical point has always been an important part of the singularity theory. It is generally known (cf. [5]) that we can associate an integer invariant - called the multiplicity - to each isolated critical point of a holomorphic function of many variables. Several years later it was noticed that similar invariants exist for function germs defined on isolated hypersurface singularities (see [1]). The present paper aims to show a simple approach to critical...
This paper deals with the Nash problem, which consists in comparing the number of families of arcs on a singular germ of surface with the number of essential components of the exceptional divisor in the minimal resolution of this singularity. We prove their equality in the case of the rational double points ().