A center of a polytope: An expository review and a parallel implementation.
The notion of a transfer (or T -transform) is central in the theory of majorization. For instance, it lies behind the characterization of majorization in terms of doubly stochastic matrices. We introduce a new type of majorization transfer called L-transforms and prove some of its properties. Moreover, we discuss how L-transforms give a new perspective on Ryser’s algorithm for constructing (0; 1)-matrices with given row and column sums.
The systems of an arbitrary number of linear inequalities OVer a real locally convex space have been classified in three classes, namely: consistent, weakly inconsistent and strongly inconsistent, i.e. having ordinary solutions, weak solutions or notsolutions respectively. In this paper, the third type is divided in two classes: strict-strongly and quasi-strongly inconsistent and is given a topology over a quotient space of the set of systems over finite- dimensional spaces, that yields a set of...
En este artículo aplicamos la condición de Mazur-Orlicz para extender a espacios normados algunos resultados de consistencia de desigualdades lineales (s.d.l.) en Rn. Asimismo, obtenemos condiciones para la consistencia de s.d.l. en un espacio localmente convexo, cuando las soluciones pertenecen a ciertos subconjuntos del dual topológico.