Representations of forms of a Kac-Moody algebra. (Représentations des formes d'une algèbre de Kac-Moody.)
The geometric small property (Borho-MacPherson [2]) of projective morphisms implies a description of their singularities in terms of intersection homology. In this paper we solve the smallness problem raised by Nakajima [37, 35] for certain resolutions of quiver varieties [37] (analogs of the Springer resolution): for Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules of simply-laced quantum affine algebras, we characterize explicitly the Drinfeld polynomials corresponding to the small resolutions. We use an elimination...
Some of the completely integrable Hamiltonian systems obtained through Adler-Kostant-Symes theorem rely on two distinct Lie algebra structures on the same underlying vector space. We study here the cases when two structures are linked together by deformations.
We explain the appearance of Rogers-Ramanujan series inside the tensor product of two basic A 2(2) -modules, previously discovered by the first author in [Feingold A.J., Some applications of vertex operators to Kac-Moody algebras, In: Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics, Berkeley, November 10–17, 1983, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 3, Springer, New York, 1985, 185–206]. The key new ingredients are (5,6)Virasoro minimal models and twisted modules for the Zamolodchikov W 3-algebra.