Buildings and non-positively curved polygons of finite groups.
The Mislin genus G(N) of a finitely generated nilpotent group N with finite commutator subgroup admits an abelian group structure. If N satisfies some additional conditions -we say that N belongs to N1- we know exactly the structure of G(N). Considering a direct product N1 x ... x Nk of groups in N1 takes us virtually always out of N1. We here calculate the Mislin genus of such a direct product.
For a finite Coxeter group and a Coxeter element of ; the -Cambrian fan is a coarsening of the fan defined by the reflecting hyperplanes of . Its maximal cones are naturally indexed by the -sortable elements of . The main result of this paper is that the known bijection cl between -sortable elements and -clusters induces a combinatorial isomorphism of fans. In particular, the -Cambrian fan is combinatorially isomorphic to the normal fan of the generalized associahedron for . The rays...
Convergent and fundamental sequences are studied in a half linearly cyclically ordered group G with the abelian increasing part. The main result is the construction of the Cantor extension of G.
Nous catégorifions explicitement les coefficients de la matrice de la représentation de Burau en utilisant des méthodes géométriques élémentaires. Nous montrons que cette catégorification est fidèle dans le sens où elle détecte la tresse triviale.
We extend Rouquier’s categorification of the braid groups by complexes of Soergel bimodules to the virtual braid groups.