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Estimates of the remainder in Taylor’s theorem using the Henstock-Kurzweil integral

Erik Talvila (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

When a real-valued function of one variable is approximated by its n th degree Taylor polynomial, the remainder is estimated using the Alexiewicz and Lebesgue p -norms in cases where f ( n ) or f ( n + 1 ) are Henstock-Kurzweil integrable. When the only assumption is that f ( n ) is Henstock-Kurzweil integrable then a modified form of the n th degree Taylor polynomial is used. When the only assumption is that f ( n ) C 0 then the remainder is estimated by applying the Alexiewicz norm to Schwartz distributions of order 1.

Extending Peano derivatives

Hajrudin Fejzić, Jan Mařík, Clifford E. Weil (1994)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let H [ 0 , 1 ] be a closed set, k a positive integer and f a function defined on H so that the k -th Peano derivative relative to H exists. The major result of this paper is that if H has finite Denjoy index, then f has an extension, F , to [ 0 , 1 ] which is k times Peano differentiable on [ 0 , 1 ] with f i = F i on H for i = 1 , 2 , ... , k .

Extending Peano derivatives: necessary and sufficient conditions

Hans Volkmer (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The paper treats functions which are defined on closed subsets of [0,1] and which are k times Peano differentiable. A necessary and sufficient condition is given for the existence of a k times Peano differentiable extension of such a function to [0,1]. Several applications of the result are presented. In particular, functions defined on symmetric perfect sets are studied.

Filippov Lemma for certain second order differential inclusions

Grzegorz Bartuzel, Andrzej Fryszkowski (2012)

Open Mathematics

In the paper we give an analogue of the Filippov Lemma for the second order differential inclusions with the initial conditions y(0) = 0, y′(0) = 0, where the matrix A ∈ ℝd×d and multifunction is Lipschitz continuous in y with a t-independent constant l. The main result is the following: Assume that F is measurable in t and integrably bounded. Let y 0 ∈ W 2,1 be an arbitrary function fulfilling the above initial conditions and such that where p 0 ∈ L 1[0, 1]. Then there exists a solution y ∈ W 2,1...

Generalized α-variation and Lebesgue equivalence to differentiable functions

Jakub Duda (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We find conditions on a real function f:[a,b] → ℝ equivalent to being Lebesgue equivalent to an n-times differentiable function (n ≥ 2); a simple solution in the case n = 2 appeared in an earlier paper. For that purpose, we introduce the notions of C B V G 1 / n and S B V G 1 / n functions, which play analogous rôles for the nth order differentiability to the classical notion of a VBG⁎ function for the first order differentiability, and the classes C B V 1 / n and S B V 1 / n (introduced by Preiss and Laczkovich) for Cⁿ smoothness. As a consequence,...

Hydrodynamic limit of a d-dimensional exclusion process with conductances

Fábio Júlio Valentim (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Fix a polynomial Φ of the form Φ(α) = α + ∑2≤j≤m  aj  αk=1j with Φ'(1) gt; 0. We prove that the evolution, on the diffusive scale, of the empirical density of exclusion processes on 𝕋 d , with conductances given by special class of functionsW, is described by the unique weak solution of the non-linear parabolic partial differential equation ∂tρ = ∑d  ∂xk  ∂Wk  Φ(ρ). We also derive some properties of the operator ∑k=1d  ...

Hydrodynamical behavior of symmetric exclusion with slow bonds

Tertuliano Franco, Patrícia Gonçalves, Adriana Neumann (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the exclusion process in the one-dimensional discrete torus with N points, where all the bonds have conductance one, except a finite number of slow bonds, with conductance N - β , with β [ 0 , ) . We prove that the time evolution of the empirical density of particles, in the diffusive scaling, has a distinct behavior according to the range of the parameter β . If β [ 0 , 1 ) , the hydrodynamic limit is given by the usual heat equation. If β = 1 , it is given by a parabolic equation involving an operator d d x d d W , where W ...

Investigation of smooth functions and analytic sets using fractal dimensions

Emma D'Aniello (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We start from the following problem: given a function f : 0 , 1 0 , 1 what can be said about the set of points in the range where level sets are «big» according to an opportune definition. This yields the necessity of an analysis of the structure of level sets of C n functions. We investigate the analogous problem for C n , a functions. These are in a certain way intermediate between C n and C n + 1 functions. The results involve a mixture of Real Analysis, Geometric Measure Theory and Classical Descriptive Set Theory.

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