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Decaying Regularly Varying Solutions of Third-order Differential Equations with a Singular Nonlinearity

Ivana Kučerová (2014)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

This paper is concerned with asymptotic analysis of strongly decaying solutions of the third-order singular differential equation x ' ' ' + q ( t ) x - γ = 0 , by means of regularly varying functions, where γ is a positive constant and q is a positive continuous function on [ a , ) . It is shown that if q is a regularly varying function, then it is possible to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of slowly varying solutions and regularly varying solutions of (A) which decrease to 0 as t and to acquire...

Decomposing Baire class 1 functions into continuous functions

Saharon Shelah, Juris Steprans (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is shown to be consistent that every function of first Baire class can be decomposed into 1 continuous functions yet the least cardinal of a dominating family in ω ω is 2 . The model used in the one obtained by adding ω 2 Miller reals to a model of the Continuum Hypothesis.

Decomposition and Moser's lemma.

David E. Edmunds, Miroslav Krbec (2002)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Using the idea of the optimal decomposition developed in recent papers (Edmunds-Krbec, 2000) and in Cruz-Uribe-Krbec we study the boundedness of the operator Tg(x) = ∫x1 g(u)du / u, x ∈ (0,1), and its logarithmic variant between Lorentz spaces and exponential Orlicz and Lorentz-Orlicz spaces. These operators are naturally linked with Moser's lemma, O'Neil's convolution inequality, and estimates for functions with prescribed rearrangement. We give sufficient conditions for and very simple proofs...

Defining complete and observable chaos

Víctor Jiménez López (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For a continuous map f from a real compact interval I into itself, we consider the set C(f) of points (x,y) ∈ I² for which l i m i n f n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | = 0 and l i m s u p n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | > 0 . We prove that if C(f) has full Lebesgue measure then it is residual, but the converse may not hold. Also, if λ² denotes the Lebesgue measure on the square and Ch(f) is the set of points (x,y) ∈ C(f) for which neither x nor y are asymptotically periodic, we show that λ²(C(f)) > 0 need not imply λ²(Ch(f)) > 0. We use these results to propose some plausible definitions...

Degré topologique pour les fonctions convexes.

Hassan Riahi (1993)

Extracta Mathematicae

El objeto de esta nota es presentar una noción del grado topológico para funciones reales convexas sci (semicontinuas inferiormente) basándose en la teoría del grado introducida por F. Browder.

Denjoy integral and Henstock-Kurzweil integral in vector lattices. II

Toshiharu Kawasaki (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In a previous paper we defined a Denjoy integral for mappings from a vector lattice to a complete vector lattice. In this paper we define a Henstock-Kurzweil integral for mappings from a vector lattice to a complete vector lattice and consider the relation between these two integrals.

Dense chaos

Ľubomír Snoha (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

According to A. Lasota, a continuous function f from a real compact interval I into itself is called generically chaotic if the set of all points ( x , y ) , for which lim inf n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | = 0 and lim sup n | f n ( x ) - f n ( y ) | > 0 , is residual in I × I . Being inspired by this definition we say that f is densely chaotic if this set is dense in I × I . A characterization of the generically chaotic functions is known. In the paper the densely chaotic functions are characterized and it is proved that in the class of piecewise monotone maps with finite number of pieces the...

Density covers

A. M. Bruckner, Charles L. Thorne (1973)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

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