Regular analytic arcs and curves
Existence of loops for non-injective regular analytic transformations of the real plane is shown. As an application, a criterion for injectivity of a regular analytic transformation of in terms of the Jacobian and the first and second order partial derivatives is obtained. This criterion is new even in the special case of polynomial transformations.
Every -dimensional complex manifold (connected, paracompact and Hausdorff) is the image of the unit ball in under a finite holomorphic map that is locally biholomorphic.
On résout à l’aide de formules intégrales explicites les équations de Cauchy-Riemann sur le triangle de Hartogs. On montre que, si la donnée est dans une classe höldérienne , la solution est dans la même classe.
We prove that plurisubharmonic solutions to certain boundary blow-up problems for the complex Monge-Ampère operator are Lipschitz continuous. We also prove that in certain cases these solutions are unique.
A subset K of ℂⁿ is said to be regular in the sense of pluripotential theory if the pluricomplex Green function (or Siciak extremal function) is continuous in ℂⁿ. We show that K is regular if the intersections of K with sufficiently many complex lines are regular (as subsets of ℂ). A complete characterization of regularity for Reinhardt sets is also given.