Bestimmungsflächen für des Randwachstum holomorpher Funktionen auf analytischen Polyedern
Biholomorphic equivalence of bounded Reinhardt domains
Bloch functions in several complex variables. II.
Bounde Reinhardt domains in Banach spaces
Bounded bicircular domains in Cn.
B-regularity of certain domains in ℂⁿ
We study the B-regularity of some classes of domains in ℂⁿ. The results include a complete characterization of B-regularity in the class of Reinhardt domains, we also give some sufficient conditions for Hartogs domains to be B-regular. The last result yields sufficient conditions for preservation of B-regularity under holomorphic mappings.
Caractérisation de isomorphismes analytiques sur la boule-unité de Cn pour une norme.
Caractérisations des zéros des fonctions de certaines classes de type Nevanlinna dans le bidisque
Dans cet article, nous étudions les zéros des fonctions holomorphes dans le bidisque dont le logarithme du module vérifie une condition de croissance : nous caractérisons par une condition de type Blaschke les zéros des fonctions vérifiantpour , et nous donnons les conditions suffisantes pour des classes plus petites, en particulier pour la classe de Nevanlinna du bidisque.
Carleman's formulas and conditions of analytic extendability
Certain partial differential subordinations on some Reinhardt domains in
We obtain an extension of Jack-Miller-Mocanu’s Lemma for holomorphic mappings defined in some Reinhardt domains in . Using this result we consider first and second order partial differential subordinations for holomorphic mappings defined on the Reinhardt domain with p ≥ 1.
Characterizations of the Unit Ball Bn in Complex Euclidean Space.
Classificazione dei domini di Hartogs di che soddisfano l'equazione
I give a characterization of the pseudoconvex Hartogs domains in that satisfy the equation , where is the second cohomology group of with coefficients in the constant sheaf .
Comparing the Bergman and the Szegö Projections.
Complete Hartogs Domains in C2 have Regular Bergman and Szegö Projections.
Completeness, Reinhardt domains and the method of complex geodesics in the theory of invariant functions [Book]
Correction to the paper "H^2 spaces of generalized half-planes" (Studia Math. 44 (1972), pp. 379-388)
Decomposition of Compact Complex Varieties and the Cancellation Problem.
Der Kontinuitätssatz für reindimensionale &-affinoide Räume.
Distributional boundary values and the tempered ultra-distributions