Explicit reduction theory for Siegel modular threefolds.
We study the extension problem for germs of holomorphic isometries up to normalizing constants between bounded domains in Euclidean spaces equipped with Bergman metrics on and on . Our main focus is on boundary extension for pairs of bounded domains such that the Bergman kernel extends meromorphically in to a neighborhood of , and such that the analogous statement holds true for the Bergman kernel on . Assuming that and are complete Kähler manifolds, we prove that the germ...
A Gutzmer formula for the complexification of a Riemann symmetric space. We consider a complex manifold and a real Lie group of holomorphic automorphisms of . The question we study is, for a holomorphic function on , to evaluate the integral of over a -orbit by using the harmonic analysis of . When is an annulus in the complex plane and the rotation group, it is solved by a classical formula which is sometimes called Gutzmer’s formula. We establish a generalization of it when is...
For the scalar holomorphic discrete series representations of and their analytic continuations, we study the spectrum of a non-compact real form of the maximal compact subgroup inside . We construct a Cayley transform between the Ol’shanskiĭ semigroup having as Šilov boundary and an open dense subdomain of the Hermitian symmetric space for . This allows calculating the composition series in terms of harmonic analysis on . In particular we show that the Ol’shanskiĭ Hardy space for is different...
Consider a complex projective space with its Fubini-Study metric. We study certain one parameter deformations of this metric on the complement of an arrangement (= finite union of hyperplanes) whose Levi-Civita connection is of Dunkl type. Interesting examples are obtained from the arrangements defined by finite complex reflection groups. We determine a parameter interval for which the metric is locally of Fubini-Study type, flat, or complex-hyperbolic. We find a finite subset of this interval for...
Let be a quasi-Hermitian Lie group with Lie algebra and be a compactly embedded subgroup of . Let be a regular element of which is fixed by . We give an explicit -equivariant diffeomorphism from a complex domain onto the coadjoint orbit of . This generalizes a result of [B. Cahen, Berezin quantization and holomorphic representations, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, to appear] concerning the case where is associated with a unitary irreducible representation of which is holomorphically...
Nous présentons quelques résultats au sujet des groupes engendrés par trois involutions antiholomorphes dans le cadre du plan hyperbolique complexe .
Let G be the Banach-Lie group of all holomorphic automorphisms of the open unit ball in a J*-algebra of operators. Let be the family of all collectively compact subsets W contained in . We show that the subgroup F ⊂ G of all those g ∈ G that preserve the family is a closed Lie subgroup of G and characterize its Banach-Lie algebra. We make a detailed study of F when is a Cartan factor.