Displaying 221 – 240 of 813

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Exact simulation for solutions of one-dimensional Stochastic Differential Equations with discontinuous drift

Pierre Étoré, Miguel Martinez (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this note we propose an exact simulation algorithm for the solution of (1) d X t = d W t + b ¯ ( X t ) d t , X 0 = x , d X t = d W t + b̅ ( X t ) d t,   X 0 = x, where b ¯ b̅is a smooth real function except at point 0 where b ¯ ( 0 + ) b ¯ ( 0 - ) b̅(0 + ) ≠ b̅(0 −) . The main idea is to sample an exact skeleton of Xusing an algorithm deduced from the convergence of the solutions of the skew perturbed equation (2) d X t β = d W t + b ¯ ( X t β ) d t + β d L t 0 ( X β ) , X 0 = x d X t β = d W t + b̅ ( X t β ) d t + β d L t 0 ( X β ) ,   X 0 = x towardsX solution of (1) as β ≠ 0 tends to 0. In this note, we show that this convergence...

Exact solutions of generalized Lane-Emden equations of the second kind

Kısmet Kasapoğlu (2024)

Applications of Mathematics

Contact and Lie point symmetries of a certain class of second order differential equations using the Lie symmetry theory are obtained. Generators of these symmetries are used to obtain first integrals and exact solutions of the equations. This class of equations is transformed into the so-called generalized Lane-Emden equations of the second kind y ' ' ( x ) + k x y ' ( x ) + g ( x ) e n y = 0 . Then we consider two types of functions g ( x ) and present first integrals and exact solutions of the Lane-Emden equation for them. One of the considered...

Examples of bifurcation of periodic solutions to variational inequalities in κ

Milan Kučera (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A bifurcation problem for variational inequalities U ( t ) K , ( U ˙ ( t ) - B λ U ( t ) - G ( λ , U ( t ) ) , Z - U ( t ) ) 0 for all Z K , a.a. t 0 is studied, where K is a closed convex cone in κ , κ 3 , B λ is a κ × κ matrix, G is a small perturbation, λ a real parameter. The main goal of the paper is to simplify the assumptions of the abstract results concerning the existence of a bifurcation of periodic solutions developed in the previous paper and to give examples in more than three dimensional case.

Existence and approximation results for gradient flows

Riccarda Rossi, Giuseppe Savaré (2004)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

This note addresses the Cauchy problem for the gradient flow equation in a Hilbert space H u ...

Existence and bifurcation results for a class of nonlinear boundary value problems in ( 0 , )

Wolfgang Rother (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider the nonlinear Dirichlet problem - u ' ' - r ( x ) | u | σ u = λ u in ( 0 , ) , u ( 0 ) = 0 and lim x u ( x ) = 0 , and develop conditions for the function r such that the considered problem has a positive classical solution. Moreover, we present some results showing that λ = 0 is a bifurcation point in W 1 , 2 ( 0 , ) and in L p ( 0 , ) ( 2 p ) .

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 813