Reguläre Eigenwertprobleme mit Mehrpunkt-Integral-Randbedingungen.
The common goal of systems pharmacology, i.e. systems biology applied to the field of pharmacology, is to rely less on trial and error in designing an input-output systems, e.g. therapeutic schedules. In this paper we present, on the paradigmatic example of a regulatory network of drug-induced enzyme production, the further development of the study published by Duintjer Tebbens et al. (2019) in the Applications of Mathematics. Here, the key feature is that the nonlinear model in form of an ODE system...
Dans cet article, nous montrons que la notion analytique d’exposants développée par Levelt pour les systèmes différentiels linéaires en une singularité régulière s’interprète algébriquement en termes d’invariants de réseaux, relatifs à un réseau stable maximal que nous appelons « réseau de Levelt ». Nous obtenons en particulier un encadrement pour la somme des exposants des systèmes n’ayant que des singularités régulières sur ).
This paper describes the controllability of nonlinear fractional delay integrodifferential systems with multiple delays in control. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the controllability criteria for linear fractional delay system are established. Further sufficient conditions for the controllability of nonlinear fractional delay integrodifferential system are obtained by using fixed point arguments. Examples are provided to illustrate the results.
For linear differential and functional-differential equations of the -th order criteria of equivalence with respect to the pointwise transformation are derived.
We consider uniqueness for the initial value problem x' = 1 + f(x) - f(t), x(0) = 0. Several uniqueness criteria are given as well as an example of non-uniqueness.
In this paper first order linear ordinary differential equations are considered. It is shown that the Cauchy problem for these systems has a unique solution in , where denotes the Colombeau algebra.
We are concerned with the uniqueness problem for solutions to the second order ODE of the form , subject to appropriate initial conditions, under the sole assumption that is non-decreasing with respect to , for each fixed. We show that there is non-uniqueness in general; on the other hand, several types of reasonable additional assumptions make the problem uniquely solvable. The interest in this problem comes, among other, from the study of oscillations of lumped parameter systems with implicit...